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Okay - That is _really_ weird)

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Seriously: Have you guys at BIS been drunk while coding confused_o.gif ?

2 Islands - 2 Times the exact same constellation of units and the exact same location.

2 Times complete different behaviour and scripting issues... I am pissed.

Even if you took a look at the editor try this on both islands (Sahrani has a 'little-Ramadi' at the south-west coast, too):

3 Hummvees (Create three new units: Side: West; Class: Vehicle; Unit: Hmmwv). The first you make a M2-Hummvee, the second one an unarmed and the last one a M2 again.

Group them into a group where one M2-Hmmwv is Leader and the other two are following (to do this select 'Groups' from the right-side menu and drag & drop lines from the two hummers to the leading one)

Create two waypoints for the Group (Select 'Waypoints' from the right-side menu, select the leading Hmmwv and dbl-click on the map two times). Dont place the waypoints to close to eachother. I suggest you make one half the way on the runway - the other one at the other end.

When the window for the 2. Waypoint pops up go to the 'Activation'-Line and enter

hint "Actiavtion - 2. Waypoint"

Now create a further unit (which or whatever - but it should be west, so you dont get shot at the beginning) and make it be the Player (Playable -> Player).

Start and watch the humvees:

If you are on Ramadi:

They drive to the first WP, stop there for a sec and continue to the second one.

The time they reach the second one you get the MSG 'Actiavtion - 2. Waypoint".

That is just the way it is supposed to be.

If you are on Sahrani (just copy&paste the units after selecting the first):

They drive to the first WP, you get the same MSG and they dont drive on.

That **** goes even further - too complicated to tell the things to get even more bugs now - but I can already ask BIS:



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Have you put the waypoint on an objekt?

That could cause the problem.

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These are bugs not troubleshooting issues.

Use the bug thread please for reporting bugs.

Or better yet use the Community Wiki bug page to report the issue along with clear reproduction. That's the only place that it's really feasible to makes reports where and how BIS can use them.

And don't forget you should only report bugs/problems with 1.02, we have no interest in reports from people who are not updating their ArmA.

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