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Hidden Agenda (Hans undercover)

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I using OFP v1.42. In the mission Hidden Agenda (Hans undercover) I am having problems.

There are 4 objectives.

1. Place the bombs unnoticed.

2. Destroy the 3 targets.

3. Call in american attack.

4. Get off island.

After having comleted the first 3 an extraction zone marker appears on the map, I run to it and as I arrive I get the MISSION FAILED message.sad.gif

In the mission briefing capturing some russian officers is also mentioned, but as soon as i set off my bombs everyone in the base are dead.

Please help.

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I'm having a problem with that mission as well. Did you radio the U.S. troops to start using mortars? When I go to the evac marker I get mission failed because the stupid radio won't give me an option to radio the Americans:( Only one time did it actually let me radio them, and I don't know why it didn't work before or why it suddenly decided to work.

When it let me radio the Americans, than after a minute or two an m113 comes into the port and a cut scene starts. They congratulate me for a job well done, but they don't see me around. Then it shows me running away from the port, even though I was standing in the middle of the port waiting for the marker to change from holding the port to getting out when I saw the m113. It says mission failed that way as well. It really pisses me off:(

P.S. Have you noticed that you can put all the satchel chargers you want in the port? I placed one right in the middle of that big group of troops and almost everywhere else, run away...detonate the bombs, than the 20 satchels I placed:) What a sight to be seen;) Of course I tried it several times without putting any satchel charges down, but I still have the same problems.

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I tried the mission again today and I finally figured out how you beat it, and I'm rather dissapointed about it too:(

You have to either let them see you place a bomb, or have an officer recognize you. After that, you have to find some officer in the port and a cut scene starts. You take the Russian officers on a boat, and leave while the Americans kill the rest of the ruskies in the port.

What pisses me off is that you can't possibly beat the mission if you actually complete the objectives, which is stupid. If you detonate the bombs, the officer most likely dies, or else a resistance or American fighter will shoot him. Since that is the case, why in the world do they NOT make the officers recognize you 100% of the time? Over 50% of the time they won't recognize you, and when you actually complete some of the objectives you can't win.

I tried this mission over and over again for about an hour trying to complete the objectives only to find out you can't win if you do complete the objectives.......does that make sense? Absolutely not, so why did they set it up like that? Grr, it makes me mad, lol.

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I placed the 3 bombs at place they asked, then I placed a few other bombs, but never near the officers (and I think you have to contouring him). I went to the hide place, called the Americans and detonated the satchels. When th Americans started their attack I waited a little time and then I runned to the place the officers are. Normally they wouldn't be dead, because they go behind a house, when I came near to them the cutscene started and I went off the Island by boat.

I don't have had any problems at all. I find it one of the best missions in Red Hammer.

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Hmmm, that's strange. When I detonate the bombs, only a few enemy soldiers survive, and the resistance and American soldiers come in pretty quickly and shoot the rest from the hills. That still doesn't explain why it didn't let me radio in the mortar strikes, maybe it won't let you do it if you kill that one officer in the explosion. I have tried using the radio right after setting off the bombs, and I kept on trying the radio until the resistance and U.S. soldiers got into the port, but it would never give me an option to radio the Americans except for that one time.....and the officer was already dead I think.

You probably have to have the right timing, I get in and out pretty quickly...maybe you have to give it some time so the officer isn't near those fuel trucks and bmps. Either way, I don't think they should rely on having that officer alive to win the mission......your goal is the objectives, if they want that particular officer alive, make it an objective. Not saying anything about it only leads to anger and confusion when you try and complete the objectives and kill the ruskies only to find out you are supposed to waltz up to a a russian for a cut scene to win. Why would you do that unless you were told to keep him alive? Your obviously going to kill him right when you see him, not run right up to him:(

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You don't HAVE to capture the officers to win the mission. Note that this is not listed as an objective. If you do capture the officers, you are rewarded by an extra cutscene when you finish the game, but that's all.

*In order to complete the mission, you have to get off the island on a boat*, as well as complete the other objectives.

1) Planting the 3 three bombs should be easy enough. When that's done, head over to the hill ('Safe distance' away).

2) Set off the bombs via the action menu (or you can do step 3 first, which is easier).

3) Now there's a problem with the radio here: you have to radio a message like 'Done' before you are given the option to call in the strike. So press 'Backspace, 1'. Then press 'Backspace, 0, 0, 1' to call in the strike. Objective complete (this is where I had problems).

4) Now, you can't waste time here. A general rule is to get down to one of the boats BEFORE the M113 arrives on the scene. So kill as many people as you can (careful of the officers of course), then when some US troops head into the camp, go with them and head straight to the boat on the left. If you didn't wait too long the officers might still be alive an you can capture them, but if not, it doesn't really matter. Just get in the boat and drive away from the island. Mission complete.

Do not go to the extraction point that appears if you wait for too long. You objective is to get off the island, which you cannot complete if you go to that extraction point. You must get away in one of the boats before they are destroyed.

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I think the important thing here is to radio in that you are done and then call in the strike. It worked for me, did everything exactly the same as before. Or it might be that if you go infront of the officers once the shooting starts that that might be the trigger.

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