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Mr Groch

Destroy the tank

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How to complete this mission?

I think that this mission have some bug, that you can't

complete it... I'm playing o 1.02 version and I can't sneak to the

base without making alarm. I can stay in my spawn for 5 minutes,

and the alarm will be turned on, even if I don't move...

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Is it the one side mission that is pretty much towards the end of the campaign, where you have 3 satchels, a silenced M4 and M9 and where you have to destroy one BMP and two T72s?

Here is how I finished the mission:

1. I sneaked towards a high post (with a red light on top) near the base and climbed up and went prone.

2. I waited a minute or two, and checked how the enemy soldiers were patroling. At a time you can have up to 4 soldiers near the closest T72 and thats when I started shooting.

3. After 2 minutes and roughly 10 dead soldiers the alarm went off and I still remained at the same spot but now its getting tricky because another 8 men squad was coming out the barracks to the left of the nearest T72 and so were the tank crews (9 in total). The tank crews are obviously the priority and its not easy but after three attempts I managed to kill them all before they were able to board their vehicles.

4. With only 4 bullets left in my M4 (and a single mag in my M9) I climbed down the post, ready to finally destroy the tanks. Slowly I sneaked around the right side of base and killed another soldier with my last bullets, and picked up his AK.

5. At the main gate I saw another 4 soldiers in total but they were easy targets and they didn´t see me coming.

6. I satcheled the 3 tanks, ran outside towards the extraction point and detonated the bombs. smile_o.gif

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lol @ karl

my way: run on 4x to the right side of the entrance,

follow the wall untill you find a hole,

crouch to the bmp and tanks,

place one sattle charge,

enter the tank as a driver,

have some fun with the base (did you knov that you can destroay everything, even the big builings?)

then drive outside the base,

blow the sattle charge,

drive to the mission - end - point

get out and blow the tank with the remaining sattle charge,

voila, mission done in 10 min with great fun biggrin_o.gif

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Got stuck on this one aswell, i will try the last option, cause i couldnt find a opening through the fence. then i'll use the T72 to wrecken things up. That was/is my main plan.

Did it, to the right side of the entrance shot guard in tower, three men on the ground, ran to truck, then straight through to the T72 and as gunner, Take out AT enemy's and from that moment, piece a cake.

But must say, this was untill now, my most horrible mission.

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lol I did it a complete different way.

Went prone then x4 speed down the right side of the base, next to the mountain, stopped to let enemy soldiers past me and carried on to the main entrance.

I then sneaked through the gate and around the truck, placed 1 satchel @ the BMP and continued to the T72's and placed a satchel at each.

I then started encountered a problem, the alarm kept going off when I was on my way out as I think the people in the watch tower (in the center of the base) kept seeing me.

Also if you blow the satchels whilst inside the base, the enemy (for some silly reason) know where exactly you are and shoot you!

The way I got out of this was, I sneaked into the UAZ thats next to the house near the main entrance to the base, I then drove it around the base and back towards you came from. (The enemy will not shoot you as they think you are on of them)

Got to a safe distance, then blew the satchels. All tanks are down and no alarm went off smile_o.gif

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I snuck around to the entrance, crawled to the first T72, satcheled it, then had to wait for the right moment for patrols to leave the 2nd T72, put a satchel there. The most irritating part was the BMP. Bastards in the tower kept seeing me. Finally I crawled along the fence near the BMP and stayed in some bushes near it. Put a satchel near the bmp and crawled out of the base, around the fence and toward the exfil zone. Blew the satchels and killed the tanks. Even though I was a ways away, all the AI immediately started firing on me and I was lucky to make it up the hill in one piece.

Still, I'm glad I did it stealth. When I tripped the alarm by accident once, I hopped in T72 and laid waste to all, even an Mi17 that came flying over. Then I reloaded from the save and completed it stealthily.

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