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No support, Metaboli

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Well people i was having problems with aiming in my downloaded version of ArmA. Aim is great in single player games not online. I was having problems in Multiplayer with bullets everywhere except the target.I tried re install and all that, even tried re install and not patching to english. I read a few places about it maybe the anti copy er something like that.Well i was playing last night and someone else was controling my guy in the game. Alittle later same night my player name changed in game while playing, and someone else was controlling. I take it someone hacked me and has my cd key and this is why im having problems.I sent email to Metaboli suppport. They say they just control the purchase, download and activation. What the heck can i do now? help.gif

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I'm sorry but airing your complaints about Metaboli on these forums really is not appropriate, you need to deal with them, if you provide the information they need I see no reason why they won't help you out, even if you have to be a little patient.

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