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Is there a way to make tracks?

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I'm working on a mission where you have to find the crew of a downed helicopter and was wondering if there is a way to force tracks onto the terrain, or prolong their existence? I want to make the mission fairly open and without guidance to force the player to figure out where the crew is, and something like tire tracks leading away from the crash would definitely help.

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I want to say in the older OFP that Editor Update 1.02 had some objects like footprints under a category called "Camera".

Maybe try out one of the ArmA Editor Updates:

Germany '85

6th Sense

I have no access to Arma, being an American, so I really can't say anything about those two.

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Yeah, I'll check those out, thanks. Well, if there's no other way than to lay down an object I'll just have to think of something else then.

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Be advised though, from my experiences in OFP, using these objects in large numbers causes a big performance drop. Not sure if it will happen in ArmA too.

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