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How to have players respawn when they die?

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I'm making a co-op mission, but it's quite big and long. I have to make players respawn but I don't know how.

I thought having AI soldiers in the same group as the player make the player replace them if he dies, but I tested it and it doesn't work. Can anyone help me with this, please?

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Okay, I found the answer. To have players respawn, change the "respawn=<parameter>" in the missions description.ext file.

respawn= can be set to:

"Seagull" - you become a bird that can fly around and spectate after you die.

"Instant" - respawn at the exact spot where you died

"Base" - respawn at a pre-defined area

"Group" - spawn into an AI member of your group

"Side" - spawn into an AI member of your side.





and so on.

I'm posting this so if anyone else needs to know this they can just search for it and find this thread!

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Marker called W_Respawn or E_Respawn or R_Respawn or E_Respawn

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Matt, can you really use those marker names?  I've always used:



respawn_guerrilla (resistance/independents)

Also, from what I remember, if you have a group named groupWest1 then you could have a respawn marker for them named respawn_groupWest1 and theoretically, they'd spawn there.  It seems I tried that on one ocassion and it worked okay, but there was something a tad buggy about it.  Perhaps it works better in ArmA.

In long coops, I typically use BASE respawn with an updated respawn position when players hit checkpoints.

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