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Rating and its uses

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Right, I'm doing a PvP mission that involves a US patrols and insurgents dressed as civilians. I want the mission to fail for the americans if they shoot too many innocent civilians, and the rating system http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/rating seems ideal for this purpose. The trouble is, I don't really fathom the whole concept of ratings. So my humble question is:

How do i make a mission fail if the players waste too many civvies?



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Oh darn, I messed it up there.

Think I have an answer for my own question...  icon_rolleyes.gif

Add a trigger:

condition: rating unitname <=negativenumber

unitname is name of unit and negative number is the negative rating needed to trigger the trigger.

But this does lead to a new and improved question:

The above trick only works for single units it seems, how does one go about making it work for an entire group? Or even a side (eg. if Blufor kills indiscriminately, they lose the battle)?

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Oh darn, I messed it up there.

Think I have an answer for my own question...  icon_rolleyes.gif

Add a trigger:

condition: rating unitname <=negativenumber

unitname is name of unit and negative number is the negative rating needed to trigger the trigger.

But this does lead to a new and improved question:

The above trick only works for single units it seems, how does one go about making it work for an entire group? Or even a side (eg. if Blufor kills indiscriminately, they lose the battle)?

condition: rating unitname <=negativenumber

change unitname to groupname?

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Could also add all the rating together (for various units/groups) then check the condition.

ie: (unit1 + unit2 + unit3 + ... + unitn) <= negativenumber

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Can the reating be configured to display a Kill ratio for each player?

So at the end of a round the player could view

His or her name and their Kill ratio?

I'd like the end of my mission to display something like

Town Held ---West Wins !!!

And then display each players name

Name Kills Deaths

Bob 4 4

Joe 3 6

Evil 12 3



Could this be done?

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