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Aircraft don't shoot at enemies

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Well in the mission editor, i put an aircraft (AV-8B) and a "destroy" waypoint on a t72 platoon, the plane just circle around and never fire a single missile/bomb? The same thing happens when I put some BLUEFOR boats in the water and a chopper (KA-50) with a destroywaypoint and it just circle around, is it a bug or lack of mission editor skills? huh.gif

How do you make an AV-8B (GBU) drop bombs on a target (House, tanks etc) or is it possible, it has never happend to me with destroywaypoints etc.

I'm using patch 1.01 icon_rolleyes.gif

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Welcome to the world of OFP.

If you are using OFP-ShinyVersion (AKA ArmA) expect exactly the same old bugs and nuisances than in OFP.

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I would like to know the answer to this question. When i select a chooper to do the same thing if fires on the tanks, but when i ask the AV-8B to do the same things they just fly around. I have tried "dotaget" "dofire" and still I get no action. Any help would be great. Is this a bug? Suma, Placebo?


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i don't have much experience but i have had some success with using 'search and destroy' as the waypoint setting in a quick mission i set up in ArmA getting flying OPFOR choppers to destroy stationary BLUFOR choppers.

i also make sure that behaviour is set to engage. not sure if that makes a difference.

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If I am not mistaken those bombs wont work without a laser designated target (though im not saying it will work with it tounge2.gif). If this some kind of a scripted event you might want to look into spawning bombs as objects randomly.

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These are not troubleshooting issues.

Use the bug thread please for reporting bugs.

Or better yet use the Community Wiki bug page to report the issue along with clear reproduction. That's the only place that it's really feasible to makes reports where and how BIS can use them.

And don't forget you should only report bugs/problems with 1.01, we have no interest in reports from people who are not updating their ArmA.

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