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to all the many whiners.....

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over the last month or two I've been looking at these forums , I have noticed an increasing amount of complaints about Arma bugs. i have also noticed its only really from the ones who are self-proclaimed "OFP lovers" . Now i know what the problem is.

this is the exact same thing that happened regarding Vietcong and it's sequel. You all are so addicted and used to playing this fully patched and built upon game , that you're expectations for the next game are so high and unless it's EXACTLY like the game that you're used to , it's no good. Well i've played a fair bit of OFP (not as much as some of you I can tell icon_rolleyes.gif ) , yeah I also loved it, but I'm willing to let these small issues in Armed Assault slide for now.

If I remember correctly , when BF2 first came out it had oh jeez about 1020202020 more bugs then Arma has , and BF2 still has bugs MAJOR ones.

I mean come on guys , don't you see what you're doing? you're destroying one of few left tactical realism game series , almost every over series has died or turned into another mindless CS:S/Battlefield clone. Example : Rainbow six and Ghost recon , two classic series now turned into a steaming pile of shit intent on pumping out eye-candy and harvesting the cash. Vietcong 2 now virtually dead except for in europe , even though an official add-on that fixes the main problems with the game has been released -- VC2's time died along time ago , the addon will only generate a small amount of attention.

And for god's sake it's the first version ! Tell me one major title that had alot of pressure on it's back that didn't have bugs when it was released. stop whining and discouraging people from buying it , the more you whine about it , the less money BIS is going to have to be able to focus on fixing it.

i don't care what the reaction is to this post , it needed to be said.

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Quote[/b] ]i don't care what the reaction is to this post , it needed to be said.

Closed ? wink_o.gif

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