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Albert Schweitzer


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Okay you believe anything Albert posts!

But please do me a favour. YOu may be the type that believes everthing, but I am sure you people still know more about PCs than me! My question to you is:

Which part of my computer is the bottle-neck that slowes down the system?

And maybe you got a proposal, would be nice to get some answers. (hey I didnt molest this forum with my posts for about two weeks, so I got the right!). For all spammers, I think you got enough opportunities options to chose from to ridicule this thread!

I am realy interested in answers

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I seriously doubt its any of the things you listed... what is your problem exactly? system resourses?

It might be programs running in the background... if you hold down ctrl and alt and hit delete once, you can see all the programs that are running.

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No, it is not that I have a problem, but I got pretty bad MadOnion Benchmark results, but I dont want to talk about that too much, cause we already had a thread on that, fact is that one or two components must be the ones that prevent my PC from having a top performance.

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Yeah...clean up desktop, place only the necessary icons on, and erase useless programs, defrag.

Also, how about getting GForce 3?

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As David is so fond of saying "lying makes baby Jesus cry" smile.gif


Personally I don't understand this obession people have with 3dMark.....the question you need to ask yourself is this, "do the games I want to play perform well?" if the answer is yes, go play them and don't worry about what some benchmarking program may or may not be saying to you, if the answer is no find out why and fix it.

Hope that helps smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yeah...clean up desktop, place only the necessary icons on, and erase useless programs, defrag.<span id='postcolor'>

Is there some cosmic relevance between desktop and performance in-game? I remember there was one tweaking program that would "remove" your desktop when you wanted to play. Would be interesting to know because I have about 3 rows of icons that could be removed if there was a real advantage to it.

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Well ummm........ahh the lies the lies the lies.....ummm well this is rather a pointless post really isn’t it.

Look your PC works what more do you want?

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In the future, please keep the topic title relevant to the content of the thread.

Thank you.

(the topic title has been edited by me, right now,, just a few secs ago).


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Armourdave @ Jan. 29 2002,22:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Is there some cosmic relevance between desktop and performance in-game? I remember there was one tweaking program that would "remove" your desktop when you wanted to play. Would be interesting to know because I have about 3 rows of icons that could be removed if there was a real advantage to it.<span id='postcolor'>

There's no relevance between desktop and performance in-game. The only thing desktop cleaning speeds up is the startup of Windows.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">There's no relevance between desktop and performance in-game. The only thing desktop cleaning speeds up is the startup of Windows.<span id='postcolor'>

Yeah...that's what I saw from many of my friends...80% of them covered by icons.

I was thinking that although games use DirectX as their resource base for doing graphics related images, it's dependent upon whole performance of OS. and having too many desktop items, although might not be visible, could affect the performance(assumption). Maybe I assumed this way cause most of the games start with a window that quickly disapears and goes to full-screen of graphics like going full-screen mode like Windows Media player. confused.gif

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The reason why Windows starts slower when there are many icons on desktop is because it has to find the numerous icons and executables scattered around hard drive. Defragging helps faster startup and overall performance of the hard drive too.

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