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editor missions

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sorry guys i have looked for this so if its already here pm the answer if not....

where does editor save missions to? im a 5 yr ofp vet and i cant find it so i must be doing somethin wrong? please help and not just shut down the thread

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I hope that C:\Documents and Settings\khkjh\My Documents\ArmA Other Profiles\Snake%20Man\Missions\ directory configuration for ArmA is a bug. I cannot live with that dir, what is the matter on default game-root directory like in OFP? D:\OFP\Users\Snake Man\missions

If its not broken, don't fix it.


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Amen to that. Hopefully we'll find a config file to allow a change for that or a command line switch. 'My Documents' is a huge pet peave of mine.

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Hello all. Only just got the game last night (I live in the US).

What exactly is getting saved in those folders? Just user additional items such as scripts and so on? Because when I open them up they are empty.

I've got missions saved in the editor already that are quite large, so where is that mission data being saved?

(I'm used to in ofp saving off copies of my mission assets for later use and not using the merge function in the editor)

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I don't think Snake and I are referring to the same thing. I'm referring to missions I *haven't* yet exported to Single or Multiplayer.

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I don't think Snake and I are referring to the same thing. I'm referring to missions I *haven't* yet exported to Single or Multiplayer.

Those are exactly the ones that would be located in such a place.

I applaud moving such files to a my documents type of location. Makes taking backup of all the 'critical' whistle.gif files easy; just that one folder and you're good to go. Instead of having to rummage through everywhere in those folders, as missing something is inevitable.

And if you don't like it, you can still create a directory structure like the old one and simply use a junction point to have it use the old place like the new one.

Junction points require NTFS, though, and no tools to use them are included with windows that I know of. If you don't know if you have NTFS or FAT32, you can probably assume it's NTFS if you're using win2k, xp or vista. To be sure, check the properties of the drive in my computer.

I use the application found here - http://www.elsdoerfer.info/ntfslink/

more information and more links can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTFS_junction_point

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