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An Sa-4 Ganef - it would be great to see but I fail to see any importance of this system - it wasn't widely exported outside of the Warsaw Pact and is intented to be a HIGH altitude SAM - which is hard when their is set height limit in the game - secondly its role was to knock down heavy bombers - which OFP also doesn't have many of. It would be nice to see - but there are SA-13 and SA-6 models out there somewhere as well as a SA-10 & SA-11 model.

Vilas - I know you are most likely busy but is there any discussion/thought to making a 90mm turret armed version of your V150 Commando ? I absolutley love the MG & 20mm armed versions and was wondering if you were going to make something harder hitting ? With the new IM:UC units and map out - if we had a V150 with a 90mm gun - it would be amazing - a nice little recreation of the battle of Khafji.


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