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Now thet FLASHPOINTARENA is gone, which sites

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but it will be up agein inn march.... beaknuke sendt me it...

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GOOD QUESTION! Many of the dites out there that boast mission downloads have a handful of missions that date back quite a ways. Most of the mission databases on the big sites seem to be an after though that was tacked on and is now poorly maintained. Flashpoint areana was a good resource, and you could alwyas count on running into some new stuff there. I certainly hope someone fills the void between now and March...thats a long time in game years.

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OFP WAR will have a big misison data base when it's up, agein. were you can up/download missions biggrin.gif

so chech it out went it is up agein. it will allso have a new Forum and a new design! so just sendt me a email on this email: [email protected]

and i will send you the link to the site biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif (when it is up)

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