Supernova 0 Posted November 17, 2006 I know this might be alot of coding to read but somehow I edited my S-400 Triumf into 3 versions (1 long range version pbo , 2 shorter range pbos). This is for the long range one it gives me a white texture overall and wont allow the pods to lower either. If this problem can be solved then I will release the final version of the s-400 triumf that does not override the SA-10 grumble(so u can use both the s-400 in 3 versions and the sa-10). Code: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 #define false 0 #define true 1 #define CanSeeRadar 1 #define CanSeeEye 2 #define CanSeeOptics 4 #define CanSeeEar 8 #define CanSeeCompass 16 #define CanSeeAll 31 class CfgPatches { class psy_mcar { units[]={"mcar_Sa10"}; weapons[]={"mcar_9K35"}; requiredVersion=1.94; requiredAddOns[]={"BIS_resistance","BRDM","MCAR_engine"}; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default {}; class Vehicle: Default {}; class Weapon: Default {}; class Car: Vehicle {}; class 5p85s: Car { sectionsInherit="Vehicle"; sections[] = {"top1","top2","top3","top4","zadni svetlo","l svetlo","p svetlo","brzdove svetlo"}; }; class 5p85s_w: 5p85s {}; class 5p85d: 5p85s {}; class 9m33m3fk: Car { sections[] = {"wings1","wings2","wings3","wings4","wings5","wings6","wings7","wings"}; }; }; class mcar_WeaponCloudsGrumble { access = 3; cloudletDuration = 0.01; cloudletAnimPeriod = 2; cloudletSize = 0.01; cloudletAlpha = 1.0; cloudletGrowUp = 2; cloudletFadeIn = 2; cloudletFadeOut = 3; cloudletAccY = 0; cloudletMinYSpeed = 0; cloudletMaxYSpeed = 0; cloudletShape = "cl_basic"; cloudletColor[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; interval = 2; size = .01; sourceSize = 0.1; timeToLive = 0; initT = 4500; deltaT = -3000; class Table { class T0 {maxT = 0; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};} class T1 {maxT = 200; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};} class T2 {maxT = 400; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};} class T3 {maxT = 600; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};} class T4 {maxT = 800; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};} class T5 {maxT = 1000; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};} class T6 {maxT = 1500; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};} class T7 {maxT = 2000; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};} class T8 {maxT = 2300; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};} class T9 {maxT = 2500; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};} class T10 {maxT = 2600; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};} class T11 {maxT = 2650; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};} class T12 {maxT = 2700; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};} class T13 {maxT = 2750; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};} class T14 {maxT = 2800; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};} class T15 {maxT = 2850; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};} class T16 {maxT = 2900; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};} class T17 {maxT = 2950; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};} class T18 {maxT = 3000; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};} class T19 {maxT = 3100; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};} class T20 {maxT = 3300; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};} class T21 {maxT = 3600; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};} class T22 {maxT = 4200; color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};} } }; class CfgAmmo { class Default{}; class AT3: Default {}; class BulletSingle: Default {}; class Bullet7_6: BulletSingle {}; class Bullet12_7: Bullet7_6 {}; class mcar_9m35: Bullet12_7 { minRange=1500; minRangeProbab=.8; midRange=15000; midRangeProbab=1; maxRange=120000; maxRangeProbab=1; tracerColor[]={0,0,0,0.001}; hit=1500; indirectHit=1000; indirectHitRange=200; explosive = true; airlock=1; irLock=1; laserLock=0; cost=5000000; maxControlRange=120000; soundFly[]={"\S-400_9M96E\mcar_rocketfly",55,1}; soundHit[]={"Explosions\explosion_at3",80,1}; soundHitMan[]={"Explosions\explosion_at3",80,1}; soundHitArmor[]={"Explosions\explosion_at3",80,1}; soundHitBuilding[]={"Explosions\explosion_at3",80,1}; hitGround[]={soundHit,1}; hitMan[]={soundHit,1}; hitArmor[]={soundHit,1}; hitBuilding[]={soundHit,1}; }; class LaserGuidedBomb: Default {}; class mcar_9m35_lgb: LaserGuidedBomb { model="\S-400_9M96E\9m33m3\9M33m3"; minRange=1000; minRangeProbab=1; midRange=4000; maxRange=120000; maxRangeProbab=1; hit=1450; indirectHit=1150; indirectHitRange=25; thrustTime=0; thrust=0; initTime=0; maneuvrability=7.5; maxSpeed=17000; airlock=1; irLock=1; laserLock=1; maxControlRange=120000; sideAirFriction=0; soundFly[]={"\S-400_9M96E\mcar_rocketfly",15,1.2}; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class Default {}; class MGun: Default {}; class MachineGun7_6: MGun {}; class MachineGun12_7: MachineGun7_6 {}; class mcar_9k35: MachineGun12_7 { ammo="mcar_9m35"; initSpeed=200000; displayName="9M96E"; displayNameMagazine="9M96E"; maxLeadSpeed=17000; shortNameMagazine="9M96E"; aiRateOfFire=65.0; aiRateOfFireDistance=30000; magazines[]={"mcar_9k35"}; count=4; ffCount=4; reloadTime=2; sound[]={"\S-400_9M96E\mcar_9m31shot",+25,1}; reloadSound[]={"Weapons\missload",-12,1}; nameSound="weapon"; magazineReloadTime=30; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class All {}; class Logic: All {}; class AllVehicles: All {}; class Land: AllVehicles {}; class LandVehicle: Land {}; class Car: LandVehicle {}; class MCAR_9m35_tlt: Car { scope=1; reversed=1; animated=1; vehicleClass="Objects"; icon="Unknown_object"; model="\S-400_9M96E\9m33m3\9m33m3fk.p3d"; displayName="9M96E"; nameSound="weapon"; accuracy=0.20; typicalCargo[]={}; extCameraPosition[]={0,0,-20}; mapSize = 0.2; cost=0; armor=20; hiddenSelections[]={"wings1","wings2","wings3","wings4","wings5","wings6","wings7","wings"}; class Animations { class tilt { type = rotation; animPeriod =0.001; selection = missile; axis = tiltaxis; angle0 = 1.57; angle1 = -1.57; }; }; class Reflectors { class Reflector1 { color[] = {0.0, 0.00, 0, 0.0}; ambient[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0, 0.0}; position = "l svetlo"; direction = "konec l svetla"; hitpoint = "l svetlo"; selection = "zadni svetlo"; size = 0; brightness = 0; }; }; }; class BRDM: LandVehicle {}; class mcar_5P85S:BRDM { side=0; vehicleClass="Project MCAR"; displayName="S-400_9M96E Triumf (SA-20) - Master Launcher"; nameSound="truck"; model="\S-400_9M96E\5p85s.p3d"; picture="\S-400_9M96E\picture.paa"; icon="truck"; mapsize=8; unitInfoType="UnitInfoShip"; hideUnitInfo = 0; fuelCapacity=150; unloadInCombat=0; soundEngine[]={Vehicles\dieseltruckloop2,db-20,1}; crew="SoldierECrew"; threat[]= {0.000000,0.000000,1.000000}; castGunnerShadow=0; ejectDeadDriver = 0; ejectDeadGunner = 0; ejectDeadCommander = 0; ejectDeadCargo = 0; castDriverShadow=0; transportSoldier=8; type="VSoft"; cost=20000000; hasDriver=1; hasGunner=1; hasCommander=0; hideWeaponsCargo = true; getInRadius = 5; driverIsCommander=1; driverCanSee=31; gunnerCanSee=31; gunnerAction="ManActBMPGunnerOut"; gunnerInAction="ManActBMPGunnerOut"; viewGunnerInExternal=1; hideProxyInCombat=0; camouflage=2; audible=3; irScanRangeMin=1300; irScanRangeMax=500000; irScanToEyeFactor=1000; sensitivity=3000; minFireTime=1; maxFireTime=3; maxSpeed=55; precision=5; // vehicle movement precision brakeDistance=25; // vehicle movement precision formationX=30; // formation spacing formationZ=40; terrainCoef=2; damperSize = .15; damperForce = 40; turnCoef=16.0; weapons[]={mcar_9k35}; armor = 130; armorBody=0.7; armorFuel=1.4; armorLights=0.05; armorWheels=0.25; armorGlass=0.03; wheelCircumference=5; class MGunClouds: mcar_WeaponCloudsGrumble {}; hiddenselections[] = {"top1","top2","top3","top4"}; magazines[]= {mcar_9k35}; dammageHalf[]= { jeep4x4_glass.paa,jeep4x4_glassB.paa, jeep_kab_sklo1.paa,jeep_kab_sklo1B.paa, jeep_kab_sklo2.paa,jeep_kab_sklo2B.paa, scud_sklo.paa,scud_skloB.paa, scud_sklo2.paa,scud_sklo2B.paa, scud_sklo3.paa,scud_sklo3B.paa, scud_sklo4.paa,scud_sklo4B.paa }; dammageFull[]= { jeep4x4_glass.paa,jeep4x4_glassC.paa, jeep_kab_sklo1.paa,jeep_kab_sklo1C.paa, jeep_kab_sklo2.paa,jeep_kab_sklo2C.paa, scud_sklo.paa,scud_skloC.paa, scud_sklo2.paa,scud_sklo2C.paa, scud_sklo3.paa,scud_sklo3C.paa, scud_sklo4.paa,scud_sklo4C.paa }; class Turret { gunAxis = "osahlavne"; turretAxis = "osaveze"; gunBeg = "usti hlavne"; gunEnd = "konec hlavne"; body = "otocvez"; gun = "otochlaven"; minElev=-5; maxElev=75; minTurn=-360; maxTurn=360; soundServo[]={"",0,1}; }; class IndicatorSpeed { selection = "ukaz_rychlo"; axis = "osa_rychlo"; angle = +720; min = 0; max = 90; }; class IndicatorRPM { selection = "ukaz_rpm"; axis = "osa_rpm"; angle = +210; min = 0; max = 1.2; }; class Animations { class cage { type ="rotation"; animPeriod =10; selection ="cage"; axis ="podAxis"; angle0 =0; angle1 =-1.57; }; class tubes { type ="rotation"; animPeriod =10; selection ="tube2"; axis ="podAxis"; angle0 =0; angle1 =-1.57; }; class piston { type ="rotation"; animPeriod =10; selection ="piston_7.8deg"; axis ="pistonAxis"; angle0 =0; angle1 =-0.136; }; }; class eventHandlers { init = "[_this select 0] call (localize ""MCAR_createProxyAT"");[_this select 0,(_this select 0) ammo ""mcar_9k35""] exec ""\S-400_9M96E\scripts\closepods.sqs"";(_this select 0) removeWeapon ""mcar_9k35""; [_this select 0] exec ""\S-400_9M96E\scripts\init.sqs"""; fired = "_mcar_gmis = (nearestObject [_this select 0, _this select 4]);_mcar_gvel = velocity _mcar_gmis;_mcar_gpos = position _mcar_gmis;deletevehicle _mcar_gmis;[_this select 0,_this select 4,_mcar_gvel,_mcar_gpos] exec (localize format[""%1_PATH"",typeOf vehicle (_this select 0)]);(vehicle (_this select 0)) exec ""\S-400_9M96E\scripts\pods.sqs"";"; }; }; class mcar_5P85S_w: mcar_5P85S { displayName="S-400_9M96E (SA-20) Triumf winter camo"; model="\S-400_9M96E\5p85s_w.p3d"; }; class mcar_5P85D: mcar_5P85S { displayName="S-400_9M96E (SA-20) Triumf Slave Launcher"; model="\S-400_9M96E\5p85d.p3d"; transportSoldier=7; picture="\S-400_9M96E\5p85d.paa"; }; class Static: All {}; class Building: Static {}; class NonStrategic : Building {}; class mcar_sa10Smoker: NonStrategic { scope = 1; simulation="fire"; sound = "Fire"; vehicleClass="Objects"; icon="Unknown_object"; model = "\S-400_9M96E\mcar_ohniste"; displayName=$STR_DN_FIRE; accuracy=0.20; typicalCargo[]={}; mapSize = 0.2; cost=0; armor=20; class Smoke { interval = 0.01; cloudletDuration = 4.5; cloudletAnimPeriod = 4.5; cloudletSize = 3.5; cloudletAlpha = 0.99; cloudletGrowUp = .7; cloudletFadeIn = 0.0; cloudletFadeOut = 4; cloudletAccY = 0; cloudletMinYSpeed = 0; cloudletMaxYSpeed = 6; cloudletShape = "missilesmoke"; cloudletColor[] = {.99, .99, .99, 0}; initT = 1000; deltaT = -500; class Table { class T1 {maxT = 0; color[] = {0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 1};} class T2 {maxT = 900; color[] = {0.75, 0.9, 0.95, .75};} class T3 {maxT = 1000; color[] = {0.65, 0.85, .9, 0.5};} }; density = 0.8; size = 0.4; initYSpeed = 0; timeToLive = 1e20; // time to live (not including fades) in = 0.0; // fade-in time out = 0.0; // fade-out time }; class Light { color[] = {0.5, 0.5, 1, 1.0}; ambient[] = {0.5, 0.5, 1, 1.0}; brightness = 1; shape = "koulesvetlo"; size = .7; position = "ohniste"; }; }; }; class CfgTextureToMaterial { class MCAR_SA10_Metal { textures[]= { "S-400_9M96E\leftside.pac","S-400_9M96E\leftside2.pac","S-400_9M96E\leftside_d.pac","S-400_9M96E\cage.paa", "S-400_9M96E\underside.pac","S-400_9M96E\prova_pod.paa","S-400_9M96E\prova_pod2.paa","S-400_9M96E\backcage.pac", "S-400_9M96E\backcage2.pac","S-400_9M96E\side.pac" }; material="#MCAR_SA10_Metal"; }; }; class CfgMaterials { class MCAR_SA10_Metal { ambient[]={1,1,1,1}; diffuse[]={1,1,1,1}; forcedDiffuse[]={0,0,0,0}; specular[]={0.25,0.25,0.25,1}; specularPower=8 emmisive[]={0,0,0,0}; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sennacherib 0 Posted November 17, 2006 for your problem in the other topic, your model must be a mlod Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Supernova 0 Posted November 17, 2006 so to make it a non-mlod (odol ?) what do i do ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sennacherib 0 Posted November 17, 2006 no, your file must be a mlod, to change that, you need to have odol explorer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Supernova 0 Posted November 17, 2006 so i open up the file with odol explorer and then save it and it will save in the odol p3d format ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sennacherib 0 Posted November 17, 2006 no in mlod textswap (or something) can't change the path of the textures when the model is an odol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Supernova 0 Posted November 17, 2006 ah thats gonna be a real tough nut to crack now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
panzergrenadier3 39 Posted November 18, 2006 If you need any help.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
h - 169 Posted November 18, 2006 @Universal Before you do anything else, this has to be changed <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgPatches { class psy_mcar Last time I checked you are not part of the MCAR team and not allowed to use our tag.. You must make your own classes for everything else (weapons, cloudlets, and so on) and use your own tag (which you can register at OFPEC).. Just because otherwise you risk conflicting with our stock vehicles.. You must ONLY use the MCAR tag in the scripting, meaning you keep the functions etc. named MCAR_blahblah.. This means you actually may need to edit the input for the scripts.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ironsight 1 Posted November 18, 2006 @UniversalBefore you do anything else, this has to be changed <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgPatches { class psy_mcar Last time I checked you are not part of the MCAR team and not allowed to use our tag.. He doesn't give a shit about anyone or anyone's work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 29 Posted November 19, 2006 Universal how many times now have you angered an addon/mod team by using stuff you don't have permission to use? Even if it's just scripts enough is enough, next time will be a permanent ban from the forums, there are rules about seeking permission. Ironsight you should know better than flamebaiting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites