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Arma hardware and impressions

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Please only those write to this topic who _has_ Arma.

Write your hardware configuration as precise as possible, and how much FPS you have. After that some general impressions.

So, mine:

Amd64 3200+ (2200MHz), 512 cache, slot 754

K8NE deluxe motherboard

1GB DDR400 (single channel)

AGP Ati 9600xt, 128MB

Very low detail, AA off, VD 1200m, 1600x1200 -> ~2 FPS

Very low detail, AA off, VD 1200m, 800x600 -> ~10 FPS

As the detail was set to the lowest possible level, all the textures were crappy. Sometimes the hill was only a filled poligon, did not have texture at all. The traffic sign from 10m was only a blurred spot. It is impossible to aim with m16. As my LCD has 1600x1200 native resolution, 800x600 was very ugly, especially because AA was off.

So, this configuration isn't enough at all.

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I don't have ArmA yet, but I know one thing - change your GPU. That's the weakest part of your hardware so that's the reason it works the way it does.

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Ouch crazy_o.gif

My compuiter setup is almost identical and i were thinking of playing the game without upgrading.

Only differences is that i have a AMD 64 3000+ and R9800 pro.

Have you tried all kinds of windows optimizations like defragmenting etc.?

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So, this configuration isn't enough at all.

Big surprise.. 9600 is old tech. And it was a midrange card at the time of its release - it'll have the features, not the performance, and will show its age far sooner than an equivalent highend card.

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I'm sorry but I've already closed a couple of these threads as I don't believe they serve any valid purpose, systems are very different, people maintain their systems very differently so trying to compare systems with performance is not conducive to getting accurate information, the best bet if you're concerned your PC might not be up to the game is compare your spec with the minimum/required system specs and/or try the demo's when they're released.

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