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Mixed questions

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1. I would like to know how U can create stuff using the action menue. Like in that Red Hammer missions where you protected a village and build fences in good places.

this addaction ["BuildFence","Fence.sqs"]

I typed this in my initialization field. Is it wrong?

Then you have to make the Fence.sqs and put it in OFP/users/missions/missionName right?

What do I type in Fence.sqs to create the fence?

In triggers i type fence="Wire" camCreate [(getpos InqWiper select 0),(getpos InqWiper select 1)+1, 0]

or something like that... and it should create a Wire fence 1 meter or yard or... to the north of me.

What also would be nice to know is how I make the fence point so it allways has the long side towards me when I create it, and also to always be created 1 meter infront of me instead of north of me. It would be crazy with one action for every 10 degrees, then you need 18 different actions and you have to think everytime before using it.

2. Is there any way of creating units with names?

3. Will the unit still have the same name when it respawns or will the corpse have that name and the respawned unit will have no name?

4. I know I saw a list off all those switchmoves somewhere...where can I find them?

5. How can I add units to groups and name groups ?

6. How do I create an empty vehicle with the CreateVehicle command?

7. Was it too many questions at once? Should I post more often and with less questions?

If you can answer all these question(correct answers only :-P)

I will say "Thank you :-)" 100 times without copying and pasting :-P(unless you ask me not to)

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1.Why dont you just download an unoffical addon by kegety or/and gunslinger?

all that stuff is then available under objects

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I guess he want's it ingame and not in the editor.

I don't know how the fence.sqs looks like but for putting the fence always in front of zou and not in north you have to change the cammcreate [position]-thing. From fence="Wire" camCreate [(getpos InqWiper select 0),(getpos InqWiper select 1)+1, 0] to fence="Wire" camCreate [(getpos InqWiper select 0)+ cos (getdir IngWiper),(getpos InqWiper select 1) + sin (getdir IngWiper), 0]

(Tell me if this is incorrect. I will think about the correct sin/cos then, cause right now I am to lazy for it smile.gif

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4. Look here and you will see a file called OpFlashCmdRefv101.PDF, there is a list of switchmove/playmove actions at the end.

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Yes I wanted to create them ingame, otherwise I could just place them with the original editor cuz they are there also.

Thanks Intruder smile.gif

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You could probably use the createvehicle command for this, and in the command also have it set the direction depending up on the player. I'm not entirely sure how the correct method would be, but it'd be something like:

Fence1= "wire" createvehicle getpos player

Fence1 setdir getdir player

Or you could put it in the script by having the action do a sqs exec:

[Fence1,Wire] exec "createvehicle.sqs"

_vcl = _class createVehicle getpos player

_vcl setdir getdir player

If you only wanted them to be able to create x number of fences, then have a counter in the script like:


each time they run the script, the count will go up. Once it has reached 10 for example, then have it goto "end".

Well, this is probably what I'd try first. I thought that mission in red hammer was pretty cool myself, but I haven't tried to emulate it yet, although it'd be awesome to do that sometime, like have the two teams prepare their bases before they go to war with each other. I'd love the ability to set up a base camp like that.

I'm not an expert scripter, so my syntax is probably off. I hope this gives you a good starting point.

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Why dont you get depbo and depbo your red hammer missions find it and then have a play with the sqs files to see how they work..... the url for DePBO anyone?

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Another good tip, I´ll look around for it.thx

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