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Truform Technology...

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For current game, the game developers only need to create a patch which enables the feature to be turned on if the game detects a Radeon 8500. This benefit is clearly shown with the bundled games with the Radeon 8500. The Valve Software games bundled with the Radeon 8500 all have Truform enabled and Valve will also release a patch to the existing install base of their games to enable Truform on Radeon 8500 graphics cards.



Why this technology isn't avaible yet for OFP??? If it's not to dificult create this Patch for us the Radeon 8500 users please...

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good idea but i have 1 concern about it, it would mean pushing ram to extremes by putting in lots of hi res objects when u take into consideration the sheer scale of OPF worlds, whereas half life mostly uses relatively small environments.

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Well, the whole idea behind Truform technology is to take existing models and apply a mathematical formula to each triangle. It is supposed to increase the polygon count by a factor of 10 without putting additional load on the processor or RAM. That's the theory, anyway.

It makes me wonder, a tenfold increase in polygons is a hell of a lot. You would think developers would be jumping all over this technology, but the fact that they really aren't makes me wonder if this is some kind of technological dead end. That, and ATI's stubborn refusal to put out decent drivers in a timely manner. I actually considered buying an 8500 until I read all about ATI's awful driver support from several users. So for now I'm sticking with nVidia, who have no problems getting new drivers out the door every month or two.

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more polygons= more ram and more processor needed..

I just dont see how that could be defeated.. unless there is some ON-CARD system to do it.. but then.. who knows.. It seems like the trueform was a real bang and bust... kinda like a movie you hear about for weeks and weeks and then when it comes out 2 weeks later it drops off the face of the earth..


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Trueform basically takes a triangle and converts it into curved surfaces and then makes new triangle out of these that can be displayed to give a smoother looking surface.

As a modeller I dont like this idea at all..It would really screw up some models as it would distort the shape heavily. Maybe it would be good for wheels or very simple round objects, but letting this lose on a weapon model, would have very odd results.

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more polygons= more ram and more processor needed..<span id='postcolor'>

It IS an on-card feature, it uses the cards GPU, it would possibly put a slight strain on the FPU as you're adding alot more floating point numbers but generally it's putting the load on the card ...

It will probally be just like 4x FSAA, ansitropic texture mimmap filtering and environmental bump mapping..Makes the game look great but gives you crap fps.

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I don't know the full details, but I believe the entire workload is on the card: you feed it the normal vertex data and the card generates the extra polygons internally, so there's no more work for the CPU.

However, I can certainly see how it could screw up models which are supposed to have sharp edges, so it may be something which has to be enabled and disabled on a per-model basis.

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