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Logitech G15

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I didn't knew where to post it, but i guess this is the right place.

In my new system i plan to buy the Logitech G15. Appart from the nice design, extra keys and backlights, the LCD has some good potentional.

BUT i was wondering if BIS was aware of this keyboard (it is out for quite some time now, you never know they missed it) and it potentional. As the LCD allows to display ingame info, like ammo count, dammage etc. In the end it can display everything as long it is coded and supported. There aren't much game developers who support this product as i suppose there aren't that much G15 users worldwide, but there are some dev. that has supported ingame info for the G15. In the end the G15 is a GAME keyboard.

So i was wondering if BIS would be able to look into this, maybe as a supported patch in the future. Just mentioning it (some might think this is BS and don't see the use of it). But if ArmA would support it, it would mean you could turn of (a lot) GUI info, witch imho still messes up a lot of the ingame screen. Some info is needed (actions etc) but stuff like ammo, dammage, weapon type/mode isn't that much needed 'ingame' and could easly be displayed on the G15 (on other anti-arcade feature, bring on more realisme...on screen).

Just my .50€


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icon_rolleyes.gif Oeps, my bad...i admite i didn't searched.

Well, maybe in the mean time Placebo and BIS changed their mind sad_o.gif :

Quote[/b] ]Placebo

No plans for special inclusion.

In case there aren't any updated plans on this from BIS side, i guess Placebo can lock this (unfortunatly).

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Personally I doubt you'll even look at your keyboard. When I play a game, I am looking at the screen, and the ammo count is right there! Unless you look at your hands when you type then I don't see the point in this feature.

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Well that is more or less my point why i would like it.

I (and some others) like it more to have a clean screen without (arcadish) GUI elements filling the screen. Ok GUI (like ammo, weapon mode, weapon type etc) are needed. Well maybe weapon type not as hopefully we will have key bindings (=like G is grenade..S= smokegrenade etc).

So it would make it a bit more realistic (having a cleaner screen).

I don't care to look 5° lower to check my ammocount (whatever is supported) on the G15 display. The last thing i want is to have (semi-transfarent) GUI elements flowing on my screen witch takes away my FOV.

Well maybe my dream of a triple monitor suround gaming rig is possible and i won't care about the GUI elements anymore witch then will hopefully be out of my centrale FOV.

Hope you understand my point and the (maybe small) adventages the G15 display can have.

EDIT: Additionaly, i don't really care about ammo count. Like some i count my bullet or at least always try to double tab my targets. In worths case i run out of bullets, but the 'click-click' sounds will let me know. Offcourse some GUI info is always needed (as i don't expect some other count system)...

Anyway, i will live with it as it comes, with or without the support. I just point out the potentional of certain hardware.

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Would be nice. Just ordered this keyboard.

In red orchestra you got support for this keyboard with the following info:

Mode 1: Player and vehicle status

Mode 2: Objective list and status for the current map

Mode 3: Player scores

Mode 4: Net stats

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There is no planned support for this, maybe if they'd contacted us and sent us the hardware it would have been possible same as TrackIR is supported because they contacted us and sent us the hardware.

EvilNate wanted me to add something:

Quote[/b] ]I was going to add that it is most likely possible for armed assault customers to make or download applets that will allow them to use the LCD screen for game info.

This can already be done for other games that don't directly support the G15 keyboard. Go to http://www.g15forums.com/ for great G15 information and help.

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