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Snake Man

addWeaponPool / addMagazinePool

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addWeaponPool / addMagazinePool, if I use these commands in the campaign's first mission init.sqs which is ran before briefing... the weapons/mags still wont show up on the gear. Only after the first real mission is completed can you run these commands and the weapons & mags stick to the weaponpool. It wont work on the campaigns cutscene/intro either.

Is this correct? Is there ANY way to do addWeaponPool on the campaign's FIRST mission?

I want to have player choose wide variety of weapons on the first mission, so far no luck. Was thinking that perhaps these commands wont work inside the missions "Intro" section, therefore running them on initIntro.sqs wont help either(?). Now I have to make a transparent mockup mission just to run addWeaponPool command in, before the "real" first mission, it kind of sucks.

Also, are there some limit for how many weapons/magazines you can store in the weaponPool?

See also PMC Editing Wiki: weaponPool and PMC Editing Wiki: Real Campaign.

Edited by Snake Man

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There was a discussion about this on OFPEC, oh, a couple of years back. Spend some time with the search function.

These commands do not work well between Intro and Mission and Outro. IIRC some work and some don't, and some work but buggy.

I'm not an expert on campaigns but I suspect you don't need these commands right at the start - you can just add the weapons and mags in the normal way in description.ext.

The discussion mentioned above did, I think, include something about the maximum number. I believe its big enough not to worry about.

Don't quote me on an of this, it was all a long time ago, albeit in this galaxy.

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