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help with sgtev_sf

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just wondering if anyone can give me a hand with adding weapons via the config file.plus adding second weapons to some units.

one last thing maybe adding the des camo faces from the facetex2 pack.

not just the white camo faces

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Best thing is you take a config file from an existing addon and see how the weapons are added there. wink_o.gif

Little hint: In the config check for the lines weapons[]={ and magazines[]={

Can't help you with the camo faces since I never used the facestex (yet).

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btw lasers rangers are required for the addon I think biggrin_o.gif

I "made" em.

ok changing/adding weapons is quite easy infact

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> weapons[]={SJB_TOS_M4_ACOG_D, SJB_TOS_m9, Binocular, Throw, Put};

magazines[]={SJB_TOS_M4_mag, SJB_TOS_M4_mag, SJB_TOS_M4_mag, SJB_TOS_M4_mag, SJB_TOS_M4_mag, SJB_TOS_M4_mag, SJB_TOS_M4_mag, HandGrenade, HandGrenade, HandGrenade, SJB_TOS_m9_Mag, SJB_TOS_m9_Mag, SJB_TOS_m9_Mag, SJB_TOS_m9_Mag};

there you see the classnames for:

Primary weapon (SJB_TOS_M4_ACOG_D)

Secondary weapon (SJB_TOS_M9)

Item slots(SJB_TOS_M4_mag/HandGrenade/SJB_TOS_M9_MAG)

think about it and you see how it works wink_o.gif

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When editing loadout´s you gotta make sure not to add too much since it´ll produce CTD´s.

Always be aware of how many slots an item takes wink_o.gif

edit: typo

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remember you have 10 item slots smile_o.gif


a statement

so I don't want to make a big deal outta this, but I stop making addons for OFP and I don't know when starting them for ArmA (I know arma isn't released yet). But due to my new job (IT-Expert) I'm pretty busy with school and job...and the freetime I have...II want it to be my freetime. I split with my Girlfriend because I found out that I have no time anymore for having fun with friends, meeting friends and go skateboarding.

So I'm sorry for the people who like my addons and hoped for further version but I have to say sorry, I cannot and aparently don't want to continue OFP Addonmaking atm confused_o.gif

I hope you understand me, but working 40 hours a week is no "sugar-licking" ( biggrin_o.gif ) I before my job I was a normal student...and thought, wow life can be really boring...but I never realized how much freetime I have. "You appreciate your freetime as long as it is not taken" (or sth similar).

I hope I will be back in year 07 with the knowledge of how to make good arma addons smile_o.gif


Sgt_Eversmann aka Ben

p.s. I will still be active in forums and will take part in some online matches if I find the time to smile_o.gif

evers out

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sarge i know how ya feel mate,i work for myself.

but dont you have the 2nd rifle script attached to these guys??

thanks for the help guys.

but also is there a way of adding the facetex faces??

the des us camo ones.

white/black(africa american)/hispanic/asian

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I think it is and I think I used Facetex head model 2 for these...maybe not dunno exactly.

can't remember if I attached the rifle script or removed it when I sent it to bowery but I thought it would be attached.

I'm at work right now.

I can tell you when I'm back home this evening at 6pm.

Greets Evers

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ok i have all the pbo's as notepad files so i can open them n read whats inside them.eg- weapons/backpacks n stuff.

so i changed the sgtev_sf_cfg file.

i add weapons to them using laser's weapons.

like was said..

changed the faces using the facetex2 pack with the us des camo.

i got n error-missing desert rang.

do i have to change the sgtev_sf aswell

some help plz

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you don't need every file to open with notepad wink_o.gif

just the .cpp file, the socalled config file smile_o.gif

erm you change the faces or atleast the script for the facemodel under eventhandler.

there must be an entry like INIT = "" bla bla bla basefaces.sqs""; or similar...

tell me the exact error message you get then I may can help you smile_o.gif


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ok it says..missing addons:SGTev_rang_addon is missing.

when i edited that file i did it as a notepad like i said then just saved it when i finished.

thanks for ya help mate.

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erm have you changed something else in the config except the weapons and items, + the facetex?

check the requierd addons section on start of the cpp file...but I never wrote something there because I prefer white textures or an modelspecial error than an message saying I miss an addon  tounge2.gif

copy and paste the config here I can help you  better then smile_o.gif

use the

tag smile_o.gif


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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">array_addentry.sqs                 O  config.cpp                 ‚9                       ? count _this == 2 : goto "nomuzzle"

? count _this == 1 : goto "oneparam"

player sidechat "Zomg Rei!!!111oneone"

_original = _this select 0

_muzzle = _this select 1

_fake = _this select 2

goto "start"


player sidechat "No muzzle mufcker"

_original = _this select 0

_muzzle = _this select 0

_fake = _this select 1


_n = 0


_cur_original = _original select _n

_cur_muzzle = _muzzle select _n

_cur_fake = _fake select _n

SgtEv_2ndriflemuzzles = SgtEv_2ndriflemuzzles + _cur_muzzle

SgtEv_2ndriflearray1 = SgtEv_2ndriflearray1 + _cur_original

SgtEv_2ndriflearray2 = SgtEv_2ndriflearray1 + _cur_fake

_n = _n + 1

? _n < (count _original) : goto "loop"

hint format ["I punch you if you don't work right -\n SgtEv_2ndriflearray1 = %1",SgtEv_2ndriflearray1]



player sidechat "Only got one param dude"

_original = _this select 0

_muzzle = _this select 0

_fake = []

_n2 = 0


_cur_original = _original select _n2

_fake = _fake + format ["%1fake",_cur_original]

_n2 = _n2 + 1

? _n2 < (count _original) : goto "loop2"

goto "start"//blueprint of the Config by Andersgrim

//edited by SGT Eversmann

#define TEast 0

#define TWest 1

#define TGuerrila 2

#define TCivilian 3

#define TSideUnknown 4

#define TEnemy 5

#define TFriendly 6

#define TLogic 7

#define true 1

#define false 0

#define private 0

#define protected 1

#define public 2

#define WeaponNoSlot 0

#define WeaponSlotPrimary 1

#define WeaponSlotSecondary 16

#define WeaponSlotItem 256

#define WeaponSlotBinocular 4096

#define WeaponHardMounted 65536

class CfgPatches


class SGTev_rang_addon


units[] = {








weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.75;

        requiredaddons[]= {"BIS_Resistance"};



class CfgModels


class Default {};

class Head: Default {};

class Man: Default {

sections[] ={

"head injury","body injury",

"l arm injury","r arm injury","p arm injury",

"l leg injury","r leg injury","p leg injury",







class Sgtev_sf_b: Man




"head injury",

"body injury",

"l arm injury",

"r arm injury",

"p arm injury",

"l leg injury",

"r leg injury",

"p leg injury",


















class Sgtev_sf_b2: Man




"head injury",

"body injury",

"l arm injury",

"r arm injury",

"p arm injury",

"l leg injury",

"r leg injury",

"p leg injury",



















class sgtev_ben: sgtev_sf_b2{}

class sgtev_sf_b3: sgtev_sf_b2{}

class sgtev_sf_b4: sgtev_sf_b2{}

class sgtev_sf_b5: sgtev_sf_b2{}


class CfgVehicles


class All{};

class AllVehicles:All{};

class Land:AllVehicles{};

class Man:Land{};

class Soldier:Man{};

class SoldierWB:Soldier{};

class SoldierWSniper:SoldierWB{};

class SgtEv_sf_b: SoldierWB


model = "\sgtev_sf\sgtev_sf_b";

displayName = "Desert Soldier";

vehicleClass = "Desert SF";

moves = "CfgMovesMC";

scope = 2;

side = 1;

cost = 40000;

nameSound = "man";

sensitivity = 1.25;

accuracy = 2.500000;

nightVision = 1;

camouflage = 0.25;

armor = 5;

armorStructural = 2.0;

armorHead = 0.7;

armorBody = 5.5;

armorHands = 0.5;

armorLegs = 0.5;

hiddenSelections[] = {"armpatch_left","armpatch_right","clansign"};

weapons[] = {"LSR_m4_m203_rx_des","LSR_m1911","Binocular","NVGoggles","Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {"LSR_m4mag","LSR_m4mag","LSR_m4mag","LSR_m4mag","LSR_m4mag","LSR_m4mag","LSR_m203vest","LSR_M1911mag","LSR_M1911mag","LSR_M1911mag","LSR_M1911mag"};

animated = 1;

class Animations


class google


type = "rotation";

animPeriod = 0.3;

selection = "google";

axis = "axis_goggles";

angle0 = 0;

angle1 = -0.60;



class UserActions


class Lowervisor


displayName="Lower Goggles";



condition="this animationPhase ""google"" < 0.5";

statement="this animate [""google"", 1]";


class Raisevisor


displayName="Raise Goggles";



condition="this animationPhase ""google"" >= 0.5";

statement="this animate [""google"", 0]";


class Drop_Weapon


displayName="Switch Primary Weapon";

position = "driver_pos";


condition="primaryweapon this != """" && !(primaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray1) && secondaryweapon this in SgtEv_2ndriflearray2";

statement="this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\loadout_d.sqs""";


class Switch_Weapon


displayName="Switch Primary Weapon";

position = "driver_pos";


condition="primaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray1 && secondaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray2";

statement="this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\loadout.sqs""";


class Swith_InHand


displayName="Weapon In Hand";

position = "driver_pos";


condition="primaryweapon this == """" && secondaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray2";

statement="this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\loadout_h.sqs""";


class Swith_OnBack


displayName="Weapon On Back";

position = "driver_pos";


condition="primaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray1 && secondaryweapon this == """"";

statement="this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\loadout_b.sqs""";



class EventHandlers


Init = "_this exec ""\facestex2\basefaces.sqs""; _this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\add_to_init.sqs""";




class SgtEv_sf_b2: soldierWB


model = "\sgtev_sf\sgtev_sf_b2";

displayName = "Desert Boonie";

vehicleClass = "Desert SF";

moves = "CfgMovesMC";

scope = 2;

side = 1;

cost = 40000;

nameSound = "man";

sensitivity = 1.25;

accuracy = 2.500000;

nightVision = 1;

camouflage = 0.25;

armor = 5;

armorStructural = 2.0;

armorHead = 0.7;

armorBody = 5.5;

armorHands = 0.5;

armorLegs = 0.5;

hiddenSelections[] = {"armpatch_left","armpatch_right","clansign"};

weapons[] = {"LSR_m24_des","LSR_socom_sd","Binocular","NVGoggles","Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {"LSR_m24mag","LSR_m24mag","LSR_m24mag","LSR_m24mag","LSR_m24mag","LSR_m24mag","handgrenade","handgrenade","SmokeShell","LSR_socomsdmag","LSR_socomsdmag","LSR_socomsdmag","LSR_socomsdmag"};

class UserActions


class Drop_Weapon


displayName="Switch Primary Weapon";

position = "driver_pos";


condition="primaryweapon this != """" && !(primaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray1) && secondaryweapon this in SgtEv_2ndriflearray2";

statement="this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\loadout_d.sqs""";


class Switch_Weapon


displayName="Switch Primary Weapon";

position = "driver_pos";


condition="primaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray1 && secondaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray2";

statement="this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\loadout.sqs""";


class Swith_InHand


displayName="Weapon In Hand";

position = "driver_pos";


condition="primaryweapon this == """" && secondaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray2";

statement="this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\loadout_h.sqs""";


class Swith_OnBack


displayName="Weapon On Back";

position = "driver_pos";


condition="primaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray1 && secondaryweapon this == """"";

statement="this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\loadout_b.sqs""";



class EventHandlers


Init = "_this exec ""\facestex2\mix_des_us_faces.sqs.sqs""; _this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\add_to_init.sqs""";




class SgtEv_sf_b3: soldierWB


model = "\sgtev_sf\sgtev_sf_b3";

displayName = "Desert Ranger Beret";

vehicleClass = "Desert SF";

moves = "CfgMovesMC";

scope = 2;

side = 1;

cost = 40000;

nameSound = "man";

sensitivity = 1.25;

accuracy = 2.500000;

nightVision = 1;

camouflage = 0.25;

armor = 5;

armorStructural = 2.0;

armorHead = 0.7;

armorBody = 5.5;

armorHands = 0.5;

armorLegs = 0.5;

hiddenSelections[] = {"armpatch_left","armpatch_right","clansign"};

weapons[] = {"LSR_xm733_des","LSR_m9","Binocular","NVGoggles","Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {"LSR_m4mag","LSR_m4mag","LSR_m4mag","LSR_m4mag","LSR_m4mag","LSR_m4mag","handgrenade","handgrenade","SmokeShell","LSR_m9mag","LSR_m9mag","LSR_m9mag","LSR_m9mag"};

class UserActions


class Drop_Weapon


displayName="Switch Primary Weapon";

position = "driver_pos";


condition="primaryweapon this != """" && !(primaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray1) && secondaryweapon this in SgtEv_2ndriflearray2";

statement="this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\loadout_d.sqs""";


class Switch_Weapon


displayName="Switch Primary Weapon";

position = "driver_pos";


condition="primaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray1 && secondaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray2";

statement="this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\loadout.sqs""";


class Swith_InHand


displayName="Weapon In Hand";

position = "driver_pos";


condition="primaryweapon this == """" && secondaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray2";

statement="this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\loadout_h.sqs""";


class Swith_OnBack


displayName="Weapon On Back";

position = "driver_pos";


condition="primaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray1 && secondaryweapon this == """"";

statement="this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\loadout_b.sqs""";



class EventHandlers


Init = "_this exec ""\facestex2\mix_des_us_faces.sqs""; _this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\add_to_init.sqs""";




class SgtEv_sf_b4: soldierWB


model = "\sgtev_sf\sgtev_sf_b4";

displayName = "Desert Recon";

vehicleClass = "Desert SF";

moves = "CfgMovesMC";

scope = 2;

side = 1;

cost = 40000;

nameSound = "man";

sensitivity = 1.25;

accuracy = 2.500000;

nightVision = 1;

camouflage = 0.25;

armor = 5;

armorStructural = 2.0;

armorHead = 0.7;

armorBody = 5.5;

armorHands = 0.5;

armorLegs = 0.5;

hiddenSelections[] = {"armpatch_left","armpatch_right","clansign"};

weapons[] = {"LSR_m4_aim_sd_des","LSR_m9_sd","Binocular","NVGoggles","Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {"LSR_m4sdmag","LSR_m4sdmag","LSR_m4sdmag","LSR_m4sdmag","LSR_m4sdmag","LSR_m4sdmag","handgrenade","handgrenade","SmokeShell","LSR_m9sdmag","LSR_m9sdmag","LSR_m9sdmag","LSR_m9sdmag"};

class UserActions


class Drop_Weapon


displayName="Switch Primary Weapon";

position = "driver_pos";


condition="primaryweapon this != """" && !(primaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray1) && secondaryweapon this in SgtEv_2ndriflearray2";

statement="this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\loadout_d.sqs""";


class Switch_Weapon


displayName="Switch Primary Weapon";

position = "driver_pos";


condition="primaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray1 && secondaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray2";

statement="this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\loadout.sqs""";


class Swith_InHand


displayName="Weapon In Hand";

position = "driver_pos";


condition="primaryweapon this == """" && secondaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray2";

statement="this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\loadout_h.sqs""";


class Swith_OnBack


displayName="Weapon On Back";

position = "driver_pos";


condition="primaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray1 && secondaryweapon this == """"";

statement="this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\loadout_b.sqs""";



class EventHandlers


Init = "_this exec ""\facestex2\mix_des_us_faces.sqs""; _this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\add_to_init.sqs""";




class SgtEv_ben: soldierWB


model = "\sgtev_sf\sgtev_ben";

displayName = "Desert Cap";

vehicleClass = "Desert SF";

moves = "CfgMovesMC";

scope = 2;

side = 1;

cost = 40000;

nameSound = "man";

sensitivity = 1.25;

accuracy = 2.500000;

nightVision = 1;

camouflage = 0.25;

armor = 5;

armorStructural = 2.0;

armorHead = 0.7;

armorBody = 5.5;

armorHands = 0.5;

armorLegs = 0.5;

hiddenSelections[] = {"armpatch_left","armpatch_right","clansign"};

weapons[] = {"LSR_m4_acog_des","LSR_hpda","Binocular","NVGoggles","Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {"LSR_m4mag","LSR_m4mag","LSR_m4mag","LSR_m4mag","LSR_m4mag","LSR_m4mag","handgrenade","handgrenade","SmokeShell","LSR_hpdamag","LSR_hpdamag","LSR_hpdamag","LSR_hpdamag"};

class UserActions


class Drop_Weapon


displayName="Switch Primary Weapon";

position = "driver_pos";


condition="primaryweapon this != """" && !(primaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray1) && secondaryweapon this in SgtEv_2ndriflearray2";

statement="this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\loadout_d.sqs""";


class Switch_Weapon


displayName="Switch Primary Weapon";

position = "driver_pos";


condition="primaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray1 && secondaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray2";

statement="this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\loadout.sqs""";


class Swith_InHand


displayName="Weapon In Hand";

position = "driver_pos";


condition="primaryweapon this == """" && secondaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray2";

statement="this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\loadout_h.sqs""";


class Swith_OnBack


displayName="Weapon On Back";

position = "driver_pos";


condition="primaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray1 && secondaryweapon this == """"";

statement="this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\loadout_b.sqs""";



class EventHandlers


Init = "_this exec ""\facestex2\mix_des_us_faces.sqs""; _this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\add_to_init.sqs""";




class SgtEv_sf_b5: soldierWB


model = "\sgtev_sf\sgtev_sf_b5";

displayName = "Desert Bandana";

vehicleClass = "Desert SF";

moves = "CfgMovesMC";

scope = 2;

side = 1;

cost = 40000;

nameSound = "man";

sensitivity = 1.25;

accuracy = 2.500000;

nightVision = 1;

camouflage = 0.25;

armor = 5;

armorStructural = 2.0;

armorHead = 0.7;

armorBody = 5.5;

armorHands = 0.5;

armorLegs = 0.5;

hiddenSelections[] = {"armpatch_left","armpatch_right","clansign"};

weapons[] = {"LSR_m249_para_aim","LSR_p228","Binocular","NVGoggles","Throw","Put"};

magazines[] = {"LSR_m249mag","LSR_m249mag","LSR_m249mag","LSR_m249mag","LSR_m249mag","handgrenade","LSR_p228mag","LSR_p228mag","LSR_p228mag","LSR_p228mag"};

class UserActions


class Drop_Weapon


displayName="Switch Primary Weapon";

position = "driver_pos";


condition="primaryweapon this != """" && !(primaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray1) && secondaryweapon this in SgtEv_2ndriflearray2";

statement="this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\loadout_d.sqs""";


class Switch_Weapon


displayName="Switch Primary Weapon";

position = "driver_pos";


condition="primaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray1 && secondaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray2";

statement="this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\loadout.sqs""";


class Swith_InHand


displayName="Weapon In Hand";

position = "driver_pos";


condition="primaryweapon this == """" && secondaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray2";

statement="this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\loadout_h.sqs""";


class Swith_OnBack


displayName="Weapon On Back";

position = "driver_pos";


condition="primaryweapon this in sgtev_2ndriflearray1 && secondaryweapon this == """"";

statement="this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\loadout_b.sqs""";



class EventHandlers


Init = "_this exec ""\facestex2\mix_des_us_faces.sqs""; _this exec ""\sgtev_sf\scripts\add_to_init.sqs""";




}; ** PboTool (c)2002 JaZzBrE **

this is it

sorry for the reading.

edit typo

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">array_addentry.sqs O config.cpp ‚9 ? count _this == 2 : goto "nomuzzle"

? count _this == 1 : goto "oneparam"

player sidechat "Zomg Rei!!!111oneone"

_original = _this select 0

_muzzle = _this select 1

_fake = _this select 2

goto "start"


player sidechat "No muzzle mufcker"

_original = _this select 0

_muzzle = _this select 0

_fake = _this select 1


_n = 0


_cur_original = _original select _n

_cur_muzzle = _muzzle select _n

_cur_fake = _fake select _n

SgtEv_2ndriflemuzzles = SgtEv_2ndriflemuzzles + _cur_muzzle

SgtEv_2ndriflearray1 = SgtEv_2ndriflearray1 + _cur_original

SgtEv_2ndriflearray2 = SgtEv_2ndriflearray1 + _cur_fake

_n = _n + 1

? _n < (count _original) : goto "loop"

hint format ["I punch you if you don't work right -\n SgtEv_2ndriflearray1 = %1",SgtEv_2ndriflearray1]



player sidechat "Only got one param dude"

_original = _this select 0

_muzzle = _this select 0

_fake = []

_n2 = 0


_cur_original = _original select _n2

_fake = _fake + format ["%1fake",_cur_original]

_n2 = _n2 + 1

? _n2 < (count _original) : goto "loop2"

I hope you don't have that part in the cpp file wow_o.gif

because it's a script and scripts have their own sqm/sqf files...


take the config again from the sgt_rang_cfg.pbo (think thats the name of it)...then unpbo it, take the config from it...because that config works for sure...

and then just change the weapon names nothing else and you should be fine.

I see that the config is really old...if I have time I update it.


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no problem, maybe I find some minutes to rework the models and give them facetex 2, also I would fix the config file then and maybe upload the 2nd rifle weapon pack alpha...

I'll try my best...

I have driving school tonight at 7.30pm and I drive for 3 hours so I come back late, maybe I have time tomorrow.

let's cu

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sounds good mate.

will your 2nd rilfe script inculde sniper rifles.

if so, ill wait till until you've made the config.

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I think in the 2nd rifle pack there is the m40a1 or a3...and a sr47 but can't remember exactly if I put a sniper version in there...

the pack will be open source...but I have to disappoint you I probably can't load it up before monday because this evening I have driving school and I'm not at home this weekend (I'm in Stuttgart at the Cannstatter Wasen yay.gifsmile_o.gif ) I'm pretty sure that I have enough time on Wednesday next week smile_o.gif

Greets Evers

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seeing how good your weapons n units are its worth the wait

my friend

thats cool mate.

well im in melbourne,australia biggrin_o.gif

wrong smiley

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