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Xbox 360?

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Before you give me a hard time, I have tried to search the forum for related issues but can't get anything 360 related.

My question is: (and I'm sure it's been asked before) are there any plans to release this game for the Xbox 360 and Xbox Live community?

Myself and quite a few friends played Op Flash Elite, exhaustively until it became apparent that there would be no downloadable content or updates for the game.

I still think the game is the best most realistic war sim available for consoles, but the quality of graphics and gameplay on the 360 is FAR superior to the old Xbox, we've moved on, just like the PC community.

So please.... give me some positive feedback.

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Quote[/b] ]Before you give me a hard time, I have tried to search the forum for related issues but can't get anything 360 related.

My question is: (and I'm sure it's been asked before) are there any plans to release this game for the Xbox 360 and Xbox Live community?

well ofp elite is ofp for xbox and arma is ofp elite for pc , so try ofpelite forum and you will see a thread about xbox 360 whys and wherefores.thats the best info you will get for now.

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BIS has told us that they have no current plans to develope ArmA on any consoles, but they didn't rule it out as a future possibility. And yes it has been asked before many times, don't be surprised of this thread gets locked. crazy_o.gif

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Asked and answered in a number of threads, asked and answered in a number of interviews, I think you really could have found the answer if you'd looked smile_o.gif

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