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MODs for Original Campaigns

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I'm currently playing through the original campaigns and I was wondering if someone could point out which mod I could install that would just enhance the original game and still allow me to play the campaigns. Maybe just add more realism and better AI.

I may be wrong but it seems that mods like ffur 2006 replace things so that the original campaigns would be broken.....but I may be wrong since it's all a little confusing.

BTW, I never played through these campaigns way back when I originaly bought the game because I made the mistake of playing online one night and never looked back. I had some of the best times playing this game online!!!!

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Quote[/b] ]I may be wrong but it seems that mods like ffur 2006 replace things so that the original campaigns would be broken

The original campaigns work just fine with FFUR 2006, I have played them almost completely through and have had no problems..

as far as mods to use..

FFUR 2006 2.0 - updated units and much better effects (my fav)

WGL 5.0 - goes for total realism

they are both in this forum if you look a little..

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Welcome to our community Padooka,

you could try one of the FFUR-Packs if you want better looking units. If you want more realism, i prefer the last ECP version or you give WGL5 a try.

BTW: Please read the forum rules, this question should have been posted in Addons&Mods:Discussion.

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Thanks for the responses!

I've downloaded WGL 5.0 and the converted 1985 campaign. It looks GREAT so far. smile_o.gif

I'll also try FFUR 2006

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I had some problems with FFUR 2006 2.0 & some cutscenes in Cold War Crisis - for example outro from mission with A-10 Swine, broken by some camera scripts. Also this mod's original music is quite inaccurate (I made new music selection for 2.5 patch). But, overall, the fun is great notworthy.gif

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Y2K3 mod by Pappy Boyington is also up their with the best!

Y2K3 is nice, but the full potential can only be seen by scenario writers. since Pappy replaced the Bis blackhawk by the Bas one, the entire Bas blackhawk is included... blackhawk wreckages! wink_o.gif

However, y2K3 has to be updated manually since Pappy has found a better use for his life. so some knowledge of OFP scripting is required.

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