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bravo 6

Scope VIEW (improved)

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Re-read it, without closing one eye using iron sights, one cant properly align the front sight post, and wont have the correct sight picture. With a CCO the sight post has nothing to do with shooting, except for when you bore-sight it

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My point is you can properly align both iron sites with both eyes open, it's just a matter of being able to mentally change your dominant eye at will.

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No, and I won't pretend to know how the different militaries of the world teach their soldiers. I just know how I've been taught and how I've been shooting in hunting and target shooting scenarios for most of my life.

Also to make sure there aren't any misunderstandings I totally agree that aimpoints work better and are easier to shoot with both eyes open than iron sites are.

Since this is starting to get off-topic I'll concede that shooting with both eyes open with iron sites may not be proper in the instruction sense, but it is totally possible and some people do shoot that way.

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Since this is starting to get off-topic I'll concede that shooting with both eyes open with iron sites may not be proper in the instruction sense, but it is totally possible and some people do shoot that way.

Dslyecxi said: the important stuff is what has already been mentioned.

So this must mean that off-topic is way to go from now-on smile_o.gif

here it comes:

We were told that man should shoot both eyes open with iron sights, but i couldn't do it as most of us couldn't. I've trained it long time, but double picture is just too confusing (i can choose my dominant eye by my will, but the other just keeps interfering). I prefer one eye method which strains open eye, but i get one "un-tranparrent" sight. Olympic shooter seems to use cover in front of their other eye, so both eye open method has to have it's lacks even to pro-shooter. Or then it is just about genes.

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Shooting with both eyes open can be a problem when the shooter attempts to sight using the weak eye. For instance, if a right-handed shooter attempts to shoot left-handed, the shooter is forced to use the weak eye and must focus on a sight picture that is opposite from what the shooter is used to. So in cases like that, it helps to close one eye. Also, some people may be right-handed, but left-eye dominant, and that can cause problems when trying to shoot a rifle with both eyes open. Closing one eye can also help tune out distractions, although in a combat situation, ignoring distractions can sometimes be dangerous.

There are advantages to shooting with both eyes open. Because of the double-vision effect, the rifle appears to be transparent, which prevents it from obscuring targets downrange. The shooter also has a wider field of view, which should help situational awareness, although tunnel vision can neutralize that advantage.

As far as one eye versus two eyes, it is more important to be able to hit the target than it is to conform to one specific method, so do whatever works.

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do you really think this scope is improved?

Arma Scope image

i really dont undersand whats the use of a scope if it doesn't zoom..

that one don't seem to zoom a bit.

and dot is huge! mad_o.gif


edit: hope im wrong yay.gif

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do you really think this scope is improved?

Arma Scope image

i really dont undersand whats the use of a scope if it doesn't zoom..

that one don't seem to zoom a bit.

and dot is huge! mad_o.gif

There seems to be three positions in Arma as opposed to the two in OFP. 'Hip', 'Ready' & 'Aimed' - this is the Ready position, where the weapon is raised to eye-level but you haven't brought your eye to the sight.

We've seen the other two positions in various screenshots and the scope view _is_ zoomed when you are correctly taking an aimed shot.

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Which is interesting since the Aimpoint doesn't zoom.

The use is that you don't need to align your posts, like you do when taking an ironsight shot. You point the dot. You put the dot over your target. Your bullets will go where the dot is. Simple and easy target acquisition, especially for CQB scenarios.

Taking a cue from olemissrebel a little bit back, these sights can be used with two eyes open, whereas correct alignment of ironsights requires one eye to be shut.

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There seems to be three positions in Arma

fair enough for me then smile_o.gif

i already know that Agoc (i think it's agoc) scopes will have zoom in / out.

from older pics. Correct me if im wrong smile_o.gif

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Which is interesting since the Aimpoint doesn't zoom.

The scope in question (with zoom) probably wasn't aimpoint.

Strictly speaking, could an aiming device without any magnification be called a scope? tounge2.gif

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...i really dont undersand whats the use of a scope if it doesn't zoom..

Take for instance you dont have the crosshairs enabled... You would need some sort of reference, and if im not mistaken, when you aim it will make the gun not shake as much...

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