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Do officers make their squads smarter?

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Hey guys, thanks for the tips on forests. I have another question. Occasionally I've heard that if you kill the officer in the enemy squad, the survivors will be stupider and therefore easier to pick off. I've kinda noticed something like this myself but it might just be the power of suggestion. Is it true that officers make their squads smarter? Thanks.

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Guest Ti0n3r

If the officer has a high skill level he'll make smart decisions. If you kill him the squad will act confused for a few seconds, before they reorganize and a new unit takes command of the group.

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Simple answer: Yes

Not so simple and many to be added:

-since officers carry binocs they make their squad engage enemys better by calling out targets earlier and also giving the mg gunners a good estimate of where the target is

-officers have some deadeye ability we all don´t like, so kill ´em first if you can

-afaik there´s some inbuilt routine making squads consider a retreat sooner if their officer get´s shot


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-afaik there´s some inbuilt routine making squads consider a retreat sooner if their officer get´s shot

Rank defines the courage of the units, so if the squad leader (sergeant) dies, and a corporal will take command he might decide to flee because of the lower rank.

Squad leaders (who usually have a higher skill level) will also give more orders (because of their skill level) then untis with a lower skill level smile_o.gif

To test it make 2 squads: one with a leader with a skill level of one, and one with a leader (SoldierWB, not OfficerW) with a skill level of 0, you will notice the difference soon enough.

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Quote[/b] ]-officers have some deadeye ability we all don´t like, so kill ´em first if you can

I agree - whenever I attack an enemy position - if I get popped - it's almost always by an officer!

They usually hang back from the action too!

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Damn straight. I wanted to burn those bloody Russian berets when (way back in the day) I first played the CWC Campaign. It was always an officer, sometimes through bushes too. Bloody uber AI targeting.

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It depends on what you mean by officer. If by officer you mean Men/Officer (the unit) then yes, they're just soldiers with hats (and slightly different loadout). It's the squad leader that makes the AI "smarter." The squad leader is usually higher ranking than the rest of the group and has a higher skill, and like someone said previously, when you kill the squad leader, the person who takes command is usually more of a coward. Combine this with the fact that the AI squad is taking casualties (the squad leader's death), they are more likely to pull out. Also, if the squad leader is killed and another AI has to take command in the middle of combat, he usually gives new orders, or was himself in the middle of executed the previous leader's orders. This causes the AI to be more confused, with the rest of the squad reforming on the new leader and the new leader giving new orders and reorienting himself (the squad leader tends to stick to waypoints or hold position when they don't have any, while he sends the rest of the squad members to engage the enemy, now think about what happens when one of these squad members takes command in the middle of engaging the enemy). Squad leaders also think faster, after all they're in command, they don't wait to recieve orders. And it makes no difference if your squad leader is an Officer or a Soldier. The only reason Officers are more lethal than any other soldier in the same spot and with the same skill is because they have binoculars (as mentioned), this makes them that much better at spotting enemies. But then again binoculars can be added to any unit.

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It depends on what you mean by officer. If by officer you mean Men/Officer (the unit) then yes, they're just soldiers with hats (and slightly different loadout).

Yes, that's what I meant.

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