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New G4mers.com Portuguese interview

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Bruno Dias of G4mers.com have kindly given permission for any fansite wishing to post the English version of their new interview with us to do so.

Proviso is that the interview must be posted in full and include credits to the site and writer from G4mers.com along with clickable banner (included) which links to G4mers.com


Format of the interview can be changed as long as the content is not, also feel free to post in other languages smile_o.gif

Anyone not respecting the request from me to post the interview with a clickable G4mers.com banner runs the risk of not being included in future releases, which of course is something we'd all prefer to avoid smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]The AI is using objects as cover a lot more. They will also open fire not only directly at soldiers but also at the object in proximity of the enemies which will make it more difficult and dangerous to mover around while you’re being suppressed.

inlove.gif  I can't wait...

Good to hear that soldiers will fire at the objects near their targets as well.  Some intense city fighting is on the cards.

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Quote[/b] ]weapons which for example are held in an individual manner

Shweeet yay.gif

I haven't seen this in any of the screenshots, I was worried it wasn't being added (in one screen, a soldiers hand is sticking through the grenade launcher under his AK).

Forward pistol grips with hands that fit! notworthy.gif

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YES!! its a very nice thing.. Very positive in my opinion.

Thank you for this excelent presence in this interview Placebo.

That means that Portugal is not the forgoten small/quite part of the world anymore hihi..

I was very glad to hear and read this interview that showed us some interesting points about ARMA. inlove.gif


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He asked why were BIS (after working with the xbox for a while) moving down to the PC instead of going forward with the xbox 360 icon_rolleyes.gif .

Placebo's reply was good while not excluding future development possibilities for "frozen technology" versions biggrin_o.gif .

I think the answers turned a "generic" game interview into something that people might look into. I think Placebo should have full wrights over it. Good bits about the a.i, fauna and flora (sparrows and falcons) smile_o.gif .

They got 4 exclusive pics wich they gently thanked BIS for but i only saw very small thumbnails in the gallery..

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i only saw very small thumbnails in the gallery..

Try left click on them, works for me smile_o.gif

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i only saw very small thumbnails in the gallery..

Try left click on them, works for me smile_o.gif

Ohw... crazy_o.gif .

Nice statue, looks alot like a young Guba. Is this the mad new dictator or a monument in Guba's memory?

Heatseeker's big sugestion for BIS.. Make it a Guba memorial statue so that we can blow it up (maybe DIB it) during the campaign, like a symbolic way to burry the past and welcome the good times ahead wink_o.gif .

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That was a good interview.

I'm glad that soldier's will not hold all weapons the same.

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I have see at armedassault.com a link in this Topic. because of the interview.

German Version for online reading: http://www.bis-ingame.net/cmpro.e....&id=148

Oder lieber als Word-Datei? dann zu http://www.armedassaults.de/cms....&type=2

Thanks smile_o.gif

I speak quite good German there I think wink_o.gif

Open the door, Schnitzel! Steh auf, du Hund!

[/WW2-USpropagandacartoons] tounge2.gif

Really nice interview. yay.gif

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Placebo, a bit off topic, but when I was listening to the Electronic Sports interview I thought the two presenters were 1. rather rude 2. rather inconsiderat 3. rather clueless. I really felt for you being quizzed by those guys, kudos for dealing answering them in the friendly and pleasant style that you definately did not recieve the questions in.

This G4mers.com interview seems much more professional.

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Placebo, a bit off topic, but when I was listening to the Electronic Sports interview I thought the two presenters were 1. rather rude 2. rather inconsiderat 3. rather clueless. I really felt for you being quizzed by those guys, kudos for dealing answering them in the friendly and pleasant style that you definately did not recieve the questions in.

Well yes it is off topic but I'll reply anyway (shame on me wink_o.gif)

To be honest the guys from Esports didn't strike me as rude of inconsiderate, I felt they did a rather good job seeing as their roles are (to my understanding) primarily free time type situations so they have to balance their own lives with the show, I thought inviting the Kevbo who was clearly a huge fan of the game onto the show was a very smart idea as it helped the show to connect more with the listeners.

Probably if anything the guys were a little surprised by how the show was being listened to by hardcore flashpoint fans and how the questions and such from them were so deep, but on the whole despite not being able to answer everything I enjoyed the show and look forward to doing another with them in the future smile_o.gif

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Well you have thicker skin than most. I found your interviews on Radiocheck to by MUCH more friendly, sympathetic, and get more done than the ESports interview. The questions were generally questions and far less pointed. That's just my gut reaction.

To be honest while I want to ask you a dozen 1 on 1 questions. Most aren't so much questions as suggestions or wants. After all, I don't much care what's already in the game, beacuse it's coming anyway. What I'd like to do is find areas that would improve the game for me (and presumably others) and give a hint that such a feature or improvement would be welcome. of course everyone wants to chime in on that action, which is basically designing a game to suit yourself and have someone else do all the hard work.

On the other hand I am involved with a semi-large gaming community geared and knowning how the game is going to go down will help us plan what we can and cannot do. Every bit of info shapes how we plan to form our community. For example, the 60 player supersquads has given us ideas for how to impliment large scale rear-echelon support.

It's nice to hear about a fellow H&D2 player. The game had a lot of fun aspects, a lot of good game ideas, and quite a few problems. Hopefully there are a few more game designers at BIS that have played that as well to be able to nick game design ideas.

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