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position command

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is there a command i can insert into a playersidechat that will state my postion at the time the message is sent?

its for a ejector seat i want it to say mayday blabla bal (unit position) ejecting

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> player sidechat format ["Player position is: %1", getpos player]

this also works with the hint, globalchat etc. commands

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thanks while were at it are there any really good ejection scripts about?

also is there someithng that has to be added to a CPP to get building objects to appear as builings on the editor map.

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As to others, for many nice scripts, get the DMA dynamic war template from the DMA (Dynamic Mission Alliance) site. Lazy to look for the link. Google it. Or look at OFPEC.

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