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REAL fighter jets?

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Anyone else think it would be great to have some real fighter planes in this game? I don't immagine it'd be too hard....modify the flight models of the A-10 & SU-25 a bit, re-skin them to say F-16 and MiG-29, load them up with modified Stingers/Strelas....maybe code up an RWR to add to playability...(Yes I realize this is not a flight simulator, but it's the most complete military sim I've ever played and I think It'd be even better if we had interceptors as well as choppers/CAS aircraft. I also think we should have some SAM vehicles....heck there are versions of the BMP that carry short range SAMS, and I've even heard of an AA round for the T-80...) K I'll stop now before I ask for too much wink.gif

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if they add more figther jets ,then in missions there will be more bombs droping killing people easyilly and less time running as a soldiers or a tank which is more fun.

by the way I suck at playing jets I'm better off being a gunner than pilot.

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I think fighter jets are not what this game was made for. Maybe a Harrier that could be used as suppourt just like the A10 or SU25, maybe some more planes of that kind but not fighters or interceptors.

If you want them please get a flight simulator.

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I think it's a great idea. The f16 is also an icon of 1980's warfare.

They would keep the current bombers from dominating ground battles.

And some serious SAM launchers would prevent the fighters from dominating the game.

This way everything would end up in perfect balance biggrin.gif

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Yeah right. What a "great" idea. [sarcasm]Now that would improve OF a lot[/sarcasm]

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It's funny how infantry freaks hate vehicles and fear that they will screw up OFP. Vehicles is what sets OFP apart from GR and all the other crap.

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can the ofp engine and net code handle such a feat as jets in multiplayer? Its often wondered if missles would even be close to hitting thier targets(say in a dog fight or something). ahhhhh i dont know how to explain it. confused.gif

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I don´t think it´s a good idea, neither from the technical nor from the playability aspect...it´s like trying to get a shark fit  into a Goldfish aquarium, if you know what i mean. Besides that everything non infantry related in OFP is to be considered arcade in terms of  operation and general "realism".

Try the following instead:




These are called Simulations, especially written engine to suit fast moving, high flying aircrafts.

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I don't know about jet fighters, but I would like to see a helicopter or Harrier jet or something with anti-aircraft weapons.

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The OFP engine has a hard enough time dealing with the Su and A-10s. My hand has to very steady and if I am not paying close attention, even for a second, I crash.

Dogfighting would be a nightmare as well!

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No one said that you HAD to use any of the stuff BIS adds.

It's just nice to have the option of using them.

Like, who ACTUALLY uses the BRDM, anyways. Except for scenerie.

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Who says anything about had? What I am saying is why should BIS waste their time and energy makeing fighter planes for the game when the engine can't handle that type of thing?

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Some kind of fighter is needed to put the A10 and Su25 in their places. Whoever said a harrier, that's a great idea. It would make a good interceptor for the game. At least there would be something to take the masses of Aircraft and Helicopters out. Also it would be relatively easy to implement I would think. Also some more short range SAM batteries are necessary. Putting them on a BMP, light tank, or something.

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Ok, I agree that maybe the F-16 & MiG-29 were a bit of a stretch...but What I'm trying to say is I'd like a plane with somewhat dedicated AA capabilities. A couple of people said Harrier...great idea IMHO, so how about a Harrier for Nato and the Yak-38 or Yak-141 for the Soviets? They all have roughly the same flight charatcteristics as the A-10/Su 25 in level flight, they're all VTOL, and they all carry limited AA weapons (short-range heat-seeking missiles only except for the

Yak-141, which never made it into production anyways)

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didnt OFPeditingcenter have several Harrier mods?. i got one of the night versions. takes off just like a choppa' and flies alot faster.

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Yhea...but no AA weapons other than the cannon...and who wants to fly a Harrier that looks like a painted-over Su-25 anyways? Oh well, guess that's the best that can be done till the editing tools are released, or maybe the VBS1 Harrier is "declassified"

Anyways, I think my first post may have been missunderstood...I'm not looking for a high-performance interceptor...I know full well the game engine wouldn't handle anything supersonic like that....I just want something which would balance out the current Attack choppers and CAS jets.

Too often I play MP and get "base raped". I'm sure you guys know what I mean....having a sub-sonic Harrier or Yak-38 VTOL with short-ranged, heat seeking missiles (Yes they are CAS planes too but Russia & Britain HAVE used them as maritime interceptors) & _maybe_ a few unguided rockets for realism's sake (since they are CAS planes) should help with putting the fear of God back into these base rapists. Same argument goes for more SAM vehicles...and well as to help balance out the balancers wink.gif.

Oh and for you guys who don't like vehicles....Go play Ghost Recon tounge.gif

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