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OFP anim

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ok i need some custom animations to make a unit walk correctly for SG MOD, i doen a fourum search and am read i need a program called OFP-Anim. however when i try to install it it says the aplication has failed to start because BORLNDMM.DLL was not found Re-installing aplication may fix problem.

is there something that i am doing wrong?

i hope i psoted this in the right forum sorry if i have not.

thanks for any help in advance.

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borlndmm.dll is a part of OFPAnim , strange your system does not find it.

Try to redownload OFPAnim 0.98 from there AND the patch 0.981 for it

from this url

in the case you downloaded an incomplete version (or downloaded only the patch thinking it was the complete program)

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thanks. i got it off ofp editing center it was the only anim one there so i thought it was the complete version, must have just been the patch.

thank you

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