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How do you use smoke granades

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hello all

Iv searched for this and Im hoping somone can help me .I want to throw a smoke granade but I dont know how to pull it up out of the inventory. infact the only way I even knew I had one is when you go to pick up an object off an dead soldier and you can swap your smoke granade for lets say a magazine .is there a action key for a smoke granade ? or is the term action key wrong ? if so corect me anyway is there some type of list for these comands kinda like transitioning from an M4 to your pistol by pressing the Y key on your keyboard . thanks for the help


                                           C banghead.gif

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When you have grenades selected (by pressing spacebar and scrolling to them) you should be able to reload a smoke grenade through the action menu.



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Yes, all weapons which have been defined as grenades have to be selected/reloaded by actionmenue if you have more than one type of nade in your Inventory.

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