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Detecting smoke

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Does anybody know how to detect smoke in script?

Noth the smoke grenade itself, but the smoke.

It is possible to get a crater to a variable for example, but how it is done with the smoke?



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what the heck do you expect?

a whole thread about a non existing "detect-smoke" code? :P

you simply can detect the presence of a smoke particle..

at least no to my knowlegde or in a practicable way...

you can check if the smoke is inserted.

eg if you fire a smoke shell you can check if it has been fired.

if you use a drop command it would involve some more scripting. >> not very practical

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As far as I know ..in OFP smoke doesn't affect AI view , so its not an object really

Like nephilim said,if it were drop command ,you would know the scripts but you may be able to detect all obects of that class or nearest etc...

But as you may be trying to detect built-in OFP smoke,i am not sure

As far as I know its not possible,but as my tagline says depends on your imagination

Could maybe brainstorm something,a little rusty,no sense breaking barriers with ARMA coming

Bis hasn't given us the goods for me to get back into it,lol

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The detection code needed against guys who turn off smoke in preferences.

Is there any other method to let know other guys about that "cheater"?

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you cant call that cheating.....

besides that, isnt that something server related anyways?

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But there was like a script or addon, that you could call on a helo evac to the point where you tossed the smoke If Im not mistaken...

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you can check if there was a smokegrenade fired

over fired eventhandler

but not if there is smoke present!

kubi prolly intends to locate "cheaters" that turn of the smoke option in flashpoint option menu.

and you cant really do this..

+ you cant really call this cheating..

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of course you can call it cheating... i means that they can shoot through smoke screens because they dont appear for them, while the guys who threw them cant see the enemy because of the smoke screen.

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