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game stops bug

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I tested all soldiers in new lcwf infantry(Unreleased Ver.)

I went close to other addons(man,vehicle... all...), the game stops..

it's LOD problem?

I don't know why stop this addon in ofp.


and, i was convert MLOD to ODOL. so, why alpha textures seeing with black? huh.gif


zip file download link (plz, don't upload other site)


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I tested all soldiers in new lcwf infantry(Unreleased Ver.)

I went close to other addons(man,vehicle... all...), the game stops..

it's LOD problem?

I don't know why stop this addon in ofp.


and, i was convert MLOD to ODOL. so, why alpha textures seeing with black? huh.gif


zip file download link (plz, don't upload other site)


Could one of the firearms be the problem?

MLOD ODOL conversion doesn't work perfect it can screw up your model. There's not really a fix for that beside just using the MLOD files.

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MLOD ODOL conversion doesn't work perfect it can screw up your model. There's not really a fix for that beside just using the MLOD files.

Actually it does, you just have to have the model configured properly and have all the textures available to binarize when you convert.

The only time converting to ODOL will "screw up your model" is if it is incorrectly configured. And the Blackon alpha textures is caused by binarize not having the textures when it converts, so it can not set the correct face information when binarizing.

To fix this, simply put your entire source folder i.e. lcwf_inf\ into the binarize folder, textures and all. Then the black will dissapear.

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the black places also appear when using setobjectexture.

you need to apply the grass texture to the helmet first

then any other ones via setobjecttexture.

cuz it seem ofp cant draw them ingame without having them preloaded.

if is not that case then go with what deadmeat said

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MLOD ODOL conversion doesn't work perfect it can screw up your model. There's not really a fix for that beside just using the MLOD files.

Actually it does, you just have to have the model configured properly and have all the textures available to binarize when you convert.

Only if you have the luxury of ODOL Explorer 2.44 which I don´t believe is available on the internet anymore as it was a leak.

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MLOD ODOL conversion doesn't work perfect it can screw up your model. There's not really a fix for that beside just using the MLOD files.

Actually it does, you just have to have the model configured properly and have all the textures available to binarize when you convert.

Only if you have the luxury of ODOL Explorer 2.44 which I don´t believe is available on the internet anymore as it was a leak.

No no no no noooooo....

ODOL Explorer provides ODOL to MLOD conversion. We are talking about MLOD to ODOL conversion using Binarize (the BIS Tool) smile_o.gif

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i used colonel_klink's BinarizeIT (in bis binarize folder)

bin.bat file

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">@echo off

@if "%1"=="" (

echo Usage: bin addon_name

goto :EndOfFile


@rem Model file optimization

rem Cemove current content

rd /s /q Opt\%1

rem Create target directory

mkdir Opt\%1

rem Perform binarization

binarize -textures=Opt -exclude=Opt\exclude.lst %1 Opt\%1

rem Copy all except model and textures

xcopy %1 Opt\%1 /exclude:exclude.txt

rem Note: textures referenced from other addons or pbo files

rem can be found in corresponding Opt subdirectories (like Opt/Data)


[betasol(MLOD) in C:\binarize]

convert -> [betasol(ODOL) in C:\binarize\Opt]

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MLOD ODOL conversion doesn't work perfect it can screw up your model. There's not really a fix for that beside just using the MLOD files.

Actually it does, you just have to have the model configured properly and have all the textures available to binarize when you convert.

Only if you have the luxury of ODOL Explorer 2.44 which I don´t believe is available on the internet anymore as it was a leak.

No no no no noooooo....

ODOL Explorer provides ODOL to MLOD conversion. We are talking about MLOD to ODOL conversion using Binarize (the BIS Tool) smile_o.gif

Damn I totally misread the first post banghead.gif

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it doesnt matter what tool you use for binerizing

all textures that are applied to the texture have to be present in in the addons´ folder so binerize can calculate them or what ever..

if they are missing textures with alpha channel will get screwed and you lose your alpha channels.

same happens when you didnt apply the alpha channel texture onto the model and binerize it

if you apply it via setobjecttexture the alpha channel will be missing.

after binering youll find in the "OPT" folder you optimized addon.

note that any unapplied textures like wound textures or such you add via setobjectexture are missing in the optimized addon folder.

same is with sounds and scripts.

you need to copy them from the unbinerized addons folder into the binerized one.

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