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Some addon questons

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Hi, I just got Operation Flashpoint CWC, and I had a few questions regarding addons.

1. If the addon says "Needs v.1.96" or something when you start the game, does that mean it's only for Resistance? There is no v. 1.96 for CWC is there?

2. How can I tell if an addon is for Resistance or CWC before I donwload it?

3. Is there any way to play Resistance addons if you only have CWC?

4. What are some good aircraft downloads for CWC and where can I find them?


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1. If the addon says "Needs v.1.96" or something when you start the game, does that mean it's only for Resistance? There is no v. 1.96 for CWC is there?

That's right.

Quote[/b] ]2. How can I tell if an addon is for Resistance or CWC before I donwload it?

I think for a while OFP.info would put "Resistance" in the thumbnail picture to let people know it was made for OFP:R, now I think they don't do that because almost everyone has Resistance.

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3. Is there any way to play Resistance addons if you only have CWC?

Not unless you buy Resistance or GOTY.

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4. What are some good aircraft downloads for CWC and where can I find them?

Try going to OFP.info, going to the addons, clicking on the airplanes section and going way back in the archives. That's all I can think of.

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First i think Fork122 is right nearly every addon releasedin the past 2 years was for Res. only.

BTW: This is the wrong Forum to ask Gianteric. Please ask next in Addons and Mods Disussion Forum and read the Forum rules before posting.

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