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What is going to be so great about ArmA

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Hi all, been away for awhile, but I was just seeing all the amazing breakthroughs and advancements that the community has made for OFP... My question, because I haven't been following the ArmA news, is are we going to be dissapointed with ArmA? Sorry in advance, I know I am asking out of ignorance. Just curious as to what everyone's looking forward to in ArmA. Just seems like we get more of our bases covered in OFP every day! (Reflective water?, Replays? Am I going to be able to run it on my computer, etc., etc....)

OK, fire away! I hope I don't die in flames.....

P.S. wasn't sure where to post this sorry.

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The feature list is available for all to read and see.

JIP with large amount of users? 400km2 island, more object density, terrain streaming, improved graphics, etc. (its a really big list). You might wanna take a deep look at the Arma section wink_o.gif .

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If you've been away for a while you have some reading/searching to do.

In your absence members of the community were not assigned to be your personal news updating service, they have their own priorities to spend their valuable free time on so please don't appear to be saying their free time is less important than yours by refusing to do your own "leg work".

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