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Invisible Waypoints

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Hy everyone,

i edited a simple mission giving some waypoints but,although

i selected "always show", i can not see any waypoint during the action...

(only if Player is a car/air/armour i can see waypoint sqare-tag during the action)

Do you know somethig about it? huh.gif

Thank You

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some ways of finding out whats wrong... by the way, always show option just means that the waypoint will appear on the map screen

1. Are you in cadet/veteran mode?

2. Are you actually playing a single player mission, or just using the 'preview' mode in the mission editor?

Some early answers:

1. Switch to cadet mode if you're in veteran mode, or edit the veteran mode preferences.

2. The preview option doesnt allow waypoints to be shown (well, it does, but its a bit iffy on the whole subject). Either save the mission to sinlge player and play that way (waypoints will then show up), or before going into the mission editor, play a SP mission from the list for a few seconds, quit, open the mission editor and preview then - this seems to work some times.

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If i remember correctly, waypoints aren't shown when launching the mission from editor - if that is the case.

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Well, I had this problem when I used to play in Cadet mode. If you're using Cadet mode, complete the following stages:

1) Go to Single Player and open a mission.

2) Let the briefing load up before doing anything.

3) Cancel that and go back to the main screen.

4) Open up the editor and preview the mission.

If you're using Cadet mode, the waypoints should now show up. If not, then you must be using Verteran mode.



*Edit: Also, the black, square box should now turn in to your soldier image on the map with a circle around it and should move where you do. Only in Cadet mode of course.

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Thank You; i'll follow Your suggestions as soon as possible... smile_o.gif

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