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Group is disabled in MP selection menu..

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Hello smile_o.gif .

I have a mission that uses two playable squads/groups (coop).

For the mission to end both squads have to reach area triggers, this will turn 2 variables=true wich are used along with the objectives to fire an outro and end the mission.

If one of the squads die their variable also=true. This will allow the remaining squad to finish the mission.

Everything works but i want the players to have the option of filling both squads, fill one and let the a.i. handle the other or just disable a.i. and do it themselves...

That is my problem, if no one ocupies a slot in one of the squads and a.i. is disabled that squad is never present in the mission so they:

a) cant reach the extraction trigger and set my variable true.

b) cant die and set my variable true.

The only alternative i can think of would be to have a non playable unit in each squad but that would suck sad_o.gif .

Help, help crazy_o.gif !?!

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If you're squad is not 10 men, put 1 additionnal guy, not playable. At startup, check the number of people in his squad, if more than 1, then it means at least 1 player or 1 AI has taken it, so you can delete that extra guy.

If squad contains only 1 guy, it's this additional guy, ie you are in your exception, fill the squad up with AI using createUnit, and let them do the job.

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Thanks for your kind reply, let me see:

I add a non playable guy to the squad, count if squad has more than one guy and if so i delete him, if not he should make the group be present in the mission?

If this works i can live with it.

edit: Yep, worked very well, thanks Whisper smile_o.gif

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