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Obscure CIA_Agent

Intro Camera

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Hi. I'm still working on the same old mission.

Ok the problem is... The intro works fine when all AI is present. westsoldier1 - 5. But when I disable AI instead of the intro ending, the camera will zoom around on the last guy until the end of the script.

How do I tell the script to end the intro if AI isnt there.

I don't even know where I would write the code so here is what I have so far...


_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]


_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]

_cam camsettarget butt

_cam camsetrelpos [10,15,10]

_cam camcommit 0

@camcommitted _cam


_cam camsettarget ass

_cam camsetrelpos [-20,75,10]

_cam camcommit 8

@camcommitted _cam


_cam camsettarget grass

_cam camsetrelpos [1,2,2]

_cam camcommit 2

@camcommitted _cam


_cam camsettarget westsoldier1

_cam camsetrelpos [-1,2,.5]

_cam camcommit 0

@camcommitted _cam


_cam camsettarget westsoldier2

_cam camsetrelpos [1,2,.5]

_cam camcommit 1

@camcommitted _cam


_cam camsettarget westsoldier3

_cam camsetrelpos [-1,2,2]

_cam camcommit 1

@camcommitted _cam


_cam camsettarget westsoldier4

_cam camsetrelpos [1,2,2]

_cam camcommit 1

@camcommitted _cam


_cam camsettarget westsoldier5

_cam camsetrelpos [1,2,2]

_cam camcommit 1

@camcommitted _cam


_cam cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"]

camdestroy _cam



westsoldier1 action ["STROKEGUN"]

? alive westsoldier1: titletext [format ["The Lieutenant with M16A2/203 - %1", name westsoldier1], "plain down"]


? alive westsoldier2: titletext [format ["The Sergeant, a Black Op with XMS/M4 Carbine - %1", name westsoldier2], "plain down"]


? alive westsoldier3: titletext [format ["The Corporal with XMS/M4 Carbine - %1", name westsoldier3], "plain down"]


? alive westsoldier4: titletext [format ["The Private First Class with M16A2/Mortar - %1", name westsoldier4], "plain down"]


? alive westsoldier5: titletext [format ["The Private with G36a - %1", name westsoldier5], "plain down"]

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Make your intro with non playable units in some far corner of your map maybe confused_o.gif . You can deletevehicle them after the intro ends if you wish to get rid of them.

If a soldier slot isnt acupied and a.i. is disabled that guy wont be present in the mission and the camera wont be able to target him smile_o.gif .

Your camsetrelpos seems strange, you are using camera.sqs and the clipboard yes?

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I think he don't know how to end the Intro. My English is rather poor and my head is not quite clear right now, so I don't quite catch your question, but try this;

- 'AI isnt there' (not present):

Make a trigger with a proper side present (I asume West) and in Condition field put

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

not (westsoldier1 in thisList) and not (westsoldier2 in thisList) and not (westsoldier3 in thisList) and ...

... so on till westsoldier5. wink_o.gif

In On Activation field put a variable, let's say 'nodudes = true'. In Intro script put on the end

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


endintro = true


Then make a trigger with 'endintro' Condition, and in Type field select End #1, and the intro will end.

If those dudes are perhaps dead, then on the end of the Intro script put

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

@ not (alive westsoldier1) and not (alive westsoldier2) and not (alive westsoldier3) and not (alive westsoldier4) and not (alive westsoldier5)

endintro = true


If this is not what you need, then use deleteVehicle as Heatseeker suggesting or something, you'll work it out, you have plenty of informations now to work with. wink_o.gif

Uf, hope this helps. Now I must return to my beer or it will become worm  tounge2.gif  ...

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