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Bellylanding sqs

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I was playing with the csj citation jus going for a landing and not really paying attention.... when i hit the ground i noticed a horrible sound...kinda like metal grinding on somethin..... taking a look in 3rd person i realised my plane was skidding down the runway at 100 odd mph with the wheels retracted....... and it made me think..... is it possible for me to set it so that ofp does this with all planes as default??

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Not sure about CSJ's addon, but the same effect can be achieved by:

Setting gearretract to false in the cofig

Linking the land contact points and landing gear selections to a user defined animation.

Lots of aircraft addons already do this with the landing gear selections, only they don't have gearretracting set to false, normaly. Just look for aircraft that have gearup and geardown scripts.

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Quote[/b] ]..... is it possible for me to set it so that ofp does this with all planes as default??

the script could be added to most Ofp plane addons which are set up as Unn describred.

But not to aircraft simular as BIS A10 which just explodes the instant it touches terra firma.

Not too sure re setting as default but you can run sqs from Mission Editor.


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Ooww nice!

Would be great for damaged aircraft. You could simulate hydraulics failures and stuff like jammed gear. Belly landing tis then...

Ive had my bumps but as mentioned above the planes blow up most of the time.

With some helicopters skidding on the ground does work. I found that out doing autorotation landings with the frenchpoint fennec.

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