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[Project Release] CHSVOS - Vehcle Occupying Script

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Here is my newest script - CHSVOS. This script will help you to rafter the performance in your missions when the tanks/vehicles arent needed. It will create and delete the crews when the variable is setted to "true" or the distance to the player is smaller than yours setting. You can use it for MGs,Cars,Tanks and other vehicles.


What does the script do ?

This script allows the mission makers to save ressources in an effective way without developing any great scipts. Furthermore it allows you to place a vehicle on the exact location (narrow streets). A vehicle created by script could not be postioned in the same exact way.



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Hi !

Bottom you can find all informations from the attached readme.txt

Execution line:

[_s,"_n",_b,_v,"_d",_u,_p,_u1,_u2,_u3,_u4] exec "chsvos.sqs"

EXAMPLE: [this,"Shilka1",BasisgroupEast,1,300,3,1,"SoldierEcrew","SoldierE

Crew"<span style='color:red'>*</span>,"SoldierECrew"<span style='color:red'>*</span>,"SoldierE"<span style='color:red'>*</span>] exec "chsvos.sqs"

<span style='color:red'>*optionally</span>

You can execute the script with following options:

_s = unit (empty vehicle)

_n = global name of the unit (in "")

_b = basisgroup (side)

_v = version trigger (1 oder 2) 1 for the distance, 2 for the variables

_d = Distance from the player on which the script activates or variable name (trigger _v is responsible). This have to be written

in "".

_u = unit number (1,2,3 or 4 crew members)

_p = position of the unit (gunner,driver,commander - when given) -> see Appendix

_u1 = unitname 1

_u2 = unitname 2 (optional)

_u3 = unitname 3 (optional)

_u4 = unitname 4 (optional)


trigger for the order of the group

if _u = 1 -> the group has only one soldier

_p = 1 -> mans the gunner

_p = 2 -> mans the driver

_p = 3 -> mans the commander

if _u = 2 -> the group has two soldiers

_p = 1 -> mans the driver after that the gunner

_p = 2 -> mans the commander after that the gunner

_p = 3 -> mans the gunner after that the driver

_p = 4 -> mans the driver after that the cargo

if _u = 3 -> the group has three soldiers

_p = 1 -> mans the commander, gunner, driver

_p = 2 -> mans the gunner, driver, cargo

_p = 3 -> mans the comander, driver, guner

_p = 4 -> mans the driver, cargo, cargo

if _u = 4 -> the group has three soldiers

_p = 1 -> mans the driver,Cargo,Cargo,Cargo

So you can set:

- kind of the execution (variable/distance)

- groupname

- count of the crew/cargo Members (maximal 4 men)

- kind of vehicle (car,tank,jet,mg etc.)

- addon (soldier) names

- basisgroup name (needed for creation of the units)


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Nice idea chaos, finally I got the purpose of that wink_o.gif

Perhaps you can make your script simpler to call (less arguments) so you only need the side (group), the vehicle and the crew units types. Using a single gamelogic you can check the availability of any position in a given vehicle.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_vehicle = _this select 0

_count = 0

_crewmembers = 0

_maxcrew = 3

_logcrew = "logic" camCreate [0,0,0]


?_count == 0:_logcrew moveInCommander _vehicle

?_count == 1:_logcrew moveInGunner _vehicle

?_count == 2:_logcrew moveInDriver _vehicle

_slotfilled = false

;Is the logic in the vehicle?

?vehicle _logcrew != _vehicle: goto "continue"

?_count == 0:_rank = "Corporal";hint "Insert code to create and mount the commander"

?_count == 1:_rank = "Private";hint "Insert code to create and mount the gunner"

?_count == 2:_rank = "Private";hint "Insert code to create and mount the driver"

_crewmembers = _crewmembers + 1



_count = _count + 1

?_count < _maxcrew: goto "spawncrew"

deleteVehicle _logcrew


hint format["crew of %1 members", _crewmembers]


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Careful. Logics have to be (as with any unit I think) setpossed outside of the vehicle prior to every movein command, or nothing will happen. And if it will stay inside the vehicle, no unit will be able to go inside that specific slot.

IE: _logic moveindriver _veh; _logic moveincargo _veh; _man moveindriver _veh

What will happen? _logic will stay in as driver of _veh, and _man will still be outside.

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You are right, that should be part of the code to create and mount units. But certainly that may be confusing, creating and deleting the logic crew per vehicle pos would make things simpler:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_vehicle = _this select 0

_count = 0

_crewmembers = 0

_maxcrew = 3


_logcrew = "logic" camCreate [0,0,0]

?_count == 0:_logcrew moveInCommander _vehicle

?_count == 1:_logcrew moveInGunner _vehicle

?_count == 2:_logcrew moveInDriver _vehicle

_slotfilled = false

;Is the logic in the vehicle?

?vehicle _logcrew != _vehicle: goto "continue"

deleteVehicle _logcrew

?_count == 0:_rank = "Corporal";hint "Insert code to create and mount the commander"

?_count == 1:_rank = "Private";hint "Insert code to create and mount the gunner"

?_count == 2:_rank = "Private";hint "Insert code to create and mount the driver"

_crewmembers = _crewmembers + 1

_slotfilled = true



?!_slotfilled:deleteVehicle _logcrew

_count = _count + 1

?_count < _maxcrew: goto "spawncrew"


hint format["crew of %1 members", _crewmembers]


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@ Mandoble

If you don´t like my work - you don´t need to use it.

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Quite the opposite, I like it, it was just a suggestion so you dont need to indicate which positions to occupy for each vehicle.

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I am not very good in scripts. But i has the idea and i think i realised it good and simple enough. In many Addons you have not ever the same Unit for all crew members - for example the INV1944 Tiger tank crew. So you can define even unit extra with my script.

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