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Multiplayer: does it work and is it fun ?

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I don't own OFP. You see, the feature I am most interested is multiplayer play. Especially co-op.

Based on what I've read so far, there seems to be a few issue with multiplayer games on the internet.

A lot of people are complaining about the gamespy service. The fact that you can't join a game in-progress really sucks. How are we going to be able to play a game with 16+ players, you gotta wait for all of them ? F*ck that !

So my question is, who's been playing multiplayer so far and how is the game experience ? Is it any good ?

What's the point of being able to drive tank, helicopter and all kind of goodies if the game only host 6 players(random number here, but realistic since you gotta wait for other guys before starting the game) ? This is a tactical infantry game right ? How fun can it be to play 3 vs 3 on a huge map, and everybody is dead in 30 sec once you meet in the middle.

Anyway, I just got the demo and so far it's ok, but what I'm looking for is to play in a game where every soldiers around me is a player, not some stupid AI drone. Is this ever gonna happen ?

Please convert me .... smile.gif


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LOOK..The game rocks..no question about it in Single Player. Noone (YES NOONE will argue that point)

but multiplayer is something different..

you say you want CO-OP (probably with some friends). If you CO-OP for lets say with 1 friends. THIS WILL BE THE BEST GAME YOU EVER BOUGHT.

If your popular and you have 3 friends (4 people) you must have a BIG ROOM and LAN together...STILL BEST GAME EVER..

If you have NO FRIENDS and wanna play over the internet with more then 16 people in BIG WARS....you will have lag problems...but thisd will probably be fixed someday and performance and netcode will increase....

My vote is buy it too play with a friend co-op over internet or LAN..YEA

To deathmatch with 32 people in server..I dont see this yet happen....they use Gamespy you know...not sure how they will be able to keep full games with something filthy like gamespy

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the game dosent host enough ppl, u spend most of the game looking for someone to kill

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I've been playing private co-op games with friends, and we completely bypass GameSpy and specify the IP address of the system hosting the game.

It's lots of fun, and there are few problems, but most of them minor. There really is nothing quite like OFP out there...

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Forget gamespy - get a group together and get one with reasonable bandwidth connection to host, use remote IP connection and have a ball.

Otherwise organise a LAN meeting, and you won't regret it - you'll probably have your neighbours banging on the door demanding to join.

Being able to hitch rides on the same vehicles to play co-op or just shooting everything that moves, makes for one #### of a fun time.

As Mister Frag says "theres nothing quiote like ofp....... "and don't quote HL:CS, DFLW, back at me - I'll just laugh.

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Rax, thanks for the feedback. It helps to set better expectation about the game.

I'll continue to give the demo a try and see how my interest with the game evolves, keeping in mind the bad setup they currently have for multiplayer.

I have to say that I am a little disapointed but no game is perfect. Right ?

In a shooter, I want ease of use to play with other people on the internet, as well as good gameplay.

So far, I think OFP seems to offer good gameplay but lacks on multiplayer.

I'll probably wait for Aliens vs Predator 2. That game rocks and will offer excellent multiplayer setup. If you guys didn't check it out, you should. It's awesome. Can't wait to play hunter game : one species as hunter, one as prey.

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Check back here when more is known about version 1.20 (US VERSION) and patch 1.30

you never know how that netcode is going to be improved

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by the way thecyclemania.. I read your post again and you say

"Especially CO-OP"

You dont want to play "Co-OP" mission with 20 guys...

you want to play co-op with a few GOOD dedicated guys. That can teamplay. In this OFP ROCKS OVER LAN.

get together on a saturday morning and play till sunday evening..#### YEA

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No this games comes up short just like all the rest, Multi sucks no real Dedcaited servers. No 100 players. laggy. Who wants to play another RS with big ass maps that take 30min to find each other. Love the maps but until Dedcatied servers works this game sucks


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Maxguard on 10:36 am on Aug. 31, 2001

No this games comes up short just like all the rest, Multi sucks no real Dedcaited servers. No 100 players. laggy. Who wants to play another RS with big ass maps that take 30min to find each other. Love the maps but until Dedcatied servers works this game sucks

TAKING MINE BACK TO EB<span id='postcolor'>

Locating other players is entirely a question of mission design, and not a problem with the game or its engine per se -- I think you are too quick in passing judgement.

On the other hand, the game allows so much flexibility when it comes to achieving objectives that it may not suit everyone's tastes. Some guys like lots of shooting and don't care about team casualties, others would rather sneak through the woods and flank their opponents or avoid a firefight altogether...

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I hope your right and to quick to judge, just so many games screw people now days it gets old.

I have 7 days to try it, until Eb will not take it back. So I'll wish for the best


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by the way Im huge fan of ww2online even with the problems. I love battle that take long time, but until you can join a 24/7 server whats the point. Most people hosting games are jerks. And its impossible to find a good one. I spend more time looking for a game to play than playing

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I just want the internet server listing and logon to be ingame just like counter strike. That's all. I don't want to use gamespy and be limited by number of players and not be able to join in game.

thanks Brad Hoesman

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