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Complement to editorupdate

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After using Mikero's editor103 for a while I'm now looking for a good complement to it. Also small, multipurpose and compatible with Mikero's.

Any recomendation?

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Can someone please explain to me what the difference is between the different editor updates? I have, for a very long time, been using General Barrons version. Prior to this it was Gunslingers I just found GB's to be more organized. Kegetys also released one, I've never heard of the Mikero's one Mandoble is talking about but don't know why I'd use one over the other.

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Thanks Q, that couldn't have been explained more clearly. So... is there an active d/load link for Mikero's version? huh.gif

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Forgot to say ...

After using several editorupdates, the big advantage of Mikero's is the neutral side of empty buildings. For example, previous updates had Castle Tower as an East building. As soon as western soldiers get close with LAWs, they start firing at it. Same for tanks and western choppers with missiles and/or rockets. Same case of static artillery and some other empty objects.

As a complement to Mikero's there is Mapfact excelent MAP_EditorUpgrade, less objects than Mikero's (does not include roads, signs, trees, furnishing or furniture) but many more unit types aswell as inivisible targets (very usefull):

Mapfact Editor Upgrade

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