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GPS script pack ! :D

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Hello mission makers ! I have two GPS scripts for you smile_o.gif

This is marker based GPS scripts that may be helpful while mission making and playing missions.

The scripts (in .PBO) can be downloaded here.


First script is GPS of single unit. If unit gonna die, marker will change color to black and script will stop.

You can execute it by after-mentioned command (write in unit init)


[gps_single_unit,"marker_name"] exec "\gps\gps.sqs"

== remember to place markers name in exec with "" like "marker_name" ==


Just place marker named "marker_name" (without "") on the map and it will work like hell ! biggrin_o.gif


The second GPS script is for group of units.

If individual unit will die, it's marker will change color to black and "mark" setMarkerPos getPos _Target command will stop so it will not overcharge CPU. Why dead unit should have gps ? HEHE biggrin_o.gif

If all units of example group will die, script will stop forever (in single mission of course biggrin_o.gif)

Execute by after-mentioned command:


[gps_group_name,"first_marker_name"] exec "\gps\gpsgroup.sqs"

== remember to place markers name in exec with "" like "marker_name" ==


Place first marker on the map named for example "mark". Copy this marker and (if you have 12 units in group) past it 11 times so next markers will have names like "mark_1","mark_2","mark_3" etc.

Remember not to change next markers names !

So that's all about using my script.

Here you have code if you are interested how this is exactly looking smile_o.gif

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

==Single unit GPS script==

_Target = _this select 0

_Marker = _this select 1


?!(alive _Target): goto "end"

?(alive _Target): goto "update"


_Marker setMarkerPos getPos _Target


goto "check"


_Marker setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"





<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

==Single group GPS script==

_Group = _this select 0

_Marker = _this select 1

_g1 = (units _Group)



?!(alive (_g1 select 0)): _Marker setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

?!(alive (_g1 select 1)): _Marker + "_1" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

?!(alive (_g1 select 2)): _Marker + "_2" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

?!(alive (_g1 select 3)): _Marker + "_3" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

?!(alive (_g1 select 4)): _Marker + "_4" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

?!(alive (_g1 select 5)): _Marker + "_5" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

?!(alive (_g1 select 6)): _Marker + "_6" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

?!(alive (_g1 select 7)): _Marker + "_7" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

?!(alive (_g1 select 8)): _Marker + "_8" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

?!(alive (_g1 select 9)): _Marker + "_9" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

?!(alive (_g1 select 10)): _Marker + "_10" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

?!(alive (_g1 select 11)): _Marker + "_11" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

?!(alive leader _Group): goto "end"

goto "1"


?!(alive (_g1 select 0)): goto "2"

_Marker setMarkerPos getPos (_g1 select 0)

?(count _g1) > 1 : goto "2"

?(count _g1) == 1 : goto "return"


?!(alive (_g1 select 1)): goto "3"

_Marker + "_1" setMarkerPos getPos (_g1 select 1)

?(count _g1) > 2 : goto "3"

?(count _g1) == 2 : goto "return"


?!(alive (_g1 select 2)): goto "4"

_Marker + "_2" setMarkerPos getPos (_g1 select 2)

?(count _g1) > 3 : goto "4"

?(count _g1) == 3 : goto "return"


?!(alive (_g1 select 3)): goto "5"

_Marker + "_3" setMarkerPos getPos (_g1 select 3)

?(count _g1) > 4 : goto "5"

?(count _g1) == 4 : goto "return"


?!(alive (_g1 select 4)): goto "6"

_Marker + "_4" setMarkerPos getPos (_g1 select 4)

?(count _g1) > 5 : goto "6"

?(count _g1) == 5 : goto "return"


?!(alive (_g1 select 5)): goto "7"

_Marker + "_5" setMarkerPos getPos (_g1 select 5)

?(count _g1) > 6 : goto "7"

?(count _g1) == 6 : goto "return"


?!(alive (_g1 select 6)): goto "8"

_Marker + "_6" setMarkerPos getPos (_g1 select 6)

?(count _g1) > 7 : goto "8"

?(count _g1) == 7 : goto "return"


?!(alive (_g1 select 7)): goto "9"

_Marker + "_7" setMarkerPos getPos (_g1 select 7)

?(count _g1) > 8 : goto "9"

?(count _g1) == 8 : goto "return"


?!(alive (_g1 select 8)): goto "10"

_Marker + "_8" setMarkerPos getPos (_g1 select 8)

?(count _g1) > 9 : goto "10"

?(count _g1) == 9 : goto "return"


?!(alive (_g1 select 9)): goto "11"

_Marker + "_9" setMarkerPos getPos (_g1 select 9)

?(count _g1) > 10 : goto "11"

?(count _g1) == 10 : goto "return"


?!(alive (_g1 select 10)): goto "12"

_Marker + "_10" setMarkerPos getPos (_g1 select 10)

?(count _g1) > 11 : goto "12"

?(count _g1) == 11 : goto "return"


?!(alive (_g1 select 11)): goto "return"

_Marker + "_11" setMarkerPos getPos (_g1 select 11)

?(count _g1) == 12 : goto "return"


player sideChat "Checking if leader of the group is still alive"


?!(alive leader _Group): goto "end2"

?(alive leader _Group): goto "hint"


player sideChat "Leader of the group is still alive... returning script"

goto "return"


player sideChat "All units of group is not alive... exiting script"



Feel free to remake those scripts !

Oh yeah I'm so strange biggrin_o.gif

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Okay I have first errors biggrin_o.gif I'll update it for some 30 mins smile_o.gif

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New version is availble now.

Executing ---> [group_name,"first_marker_name",refresh time] exec "\gps\gpsgroup.sqs"

So it looks like [gr1,"m",5] exec "\gps...

All units in gr1 will have it's own marker with refresh rate 5 seconds.

Download new version



New code:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_Gr = _this select 0

_Mar = _this select 1

_Ti = _this select 2


_g = units _Gr

_CG = "alive _x" count _g

player sideChat format ["There are %1 allive people in %2 ... starting script","alive _x" count _g,_Gr]

goto "update"




_CG2 = "alive _x" count _g

?_CG2 == 0: goto "end"



?MarkerColor _Mar == "ColorBlack": goto "2"

?(alive (_g select 0)): goto "1e"


_Mar setMarkerPos getPos (_g select 0)

?!(alive (_g select 0)): _Mar setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; player sideChat format ["%1 is dead",_g select 0]



?_CG == 1: goto "update"

?MarkerColor (_Mar + "_1") == "ColorBlack": goto "3"

?(alive (_g select 1)): goto "2e"


_Mar + "_1" setMarkerPos getPos (_g select 1)

?!(alive (_g select 1)): _Mar + "_1" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; player sideChat format ["%1 is dead",_g select 1]



?_CG == 2: goto "update"

?MarkerColor (_Mar + "_2") == "ColorBlack": goto "4"

?(alive (_g select 2)): goto "3e"


_Mar + "_2" setMarkerPos getPos (_g select 2)

?!(alive (_g select 2)): _Mar + "_2" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; player sideChat format ["%1 is dead",_g select 2]



?_CG == 3: goto "update"

?MarkerColor (_Mar + "_3") == "ColorBlack": goto "5"

?(alive (_g select 3)): goto "4e"


_Mar + "_3" setMarkerPos getPos (_g select 3)

?!(alive (_g select 3)): _Mar + "_3" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; player sideChat format ["%1 is dead",_g select 3]



?_CG == 4: goto "update"

?MarkerColor (_Mar + "_4") == "ColorBlack": goto "6"

?(alive (_g select 4)): goto "5e"


_Mar + "_4" setMarkerPos getPos (_g select 4)

?!(alive (_g select 4)): _Mar + "_4" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; player sideChat format ["%1 is dead",_g select 4]



?_CG == 5: goto "update"

?MarkerColor (_Mar + "_5") == "ColorBlack": goto "7"

?(alive (_g select 5)): goto "6e"


_Mar + "_5" setMarkerPos getPos (_g select 5)

?!(alive (_g select 5)): _Mar + "_5" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; player sideChat format ["%1 is dead",_g select 5]



?_CG == 6: goto "update"

?MarkerColor (_Mar + "_6") == "ColorBlack": goto "8"

?(alive (_g select 6)): goto "7e"


_Mar + "_6" setMarkerPos getPos (_g select 6)

?!(alive (_g select 6)): _Mar + "_6" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; player sideChat format ["%1 is dead",_g select 6]



?_CG == 7: goto "update"

?MarkerColor (_Mar + "_7") == "ColorBlack": goto "9"

?(alive (_g select 7)): goto "8e"


_Mar + "_7" setMarkerPos getPos (_g select 7)

?!(alive (_g select 7)): _Mar + "_7" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; player sideChat format ["%1 is dead",_g select 7]



?_CG == 8: goto "update"

?MarkerColor (_Mar + "_8") == "ColorBlack": goto "10"

?(alive (_g select 8)): goto "9e"


_Mar + "_8" setMarkerPos getPos (_g select 8)

?!(alive (_g select 8)): _Mar + "_8" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; player sideChat format ["%1 is dead",_g select 8]



?_CG == 9: goto "update"

?MarkerColor (_Mar + "_9") == "ColorBlack": goto "11"

?(alive (_g select 9)): goto "10e"


_Mar + "_9" setMarkerPos getPos (_g select 9)

?!(alive (_g select 9)): _Mar + "_9" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; player sideChat format ["%1 is dead",_g select 9]



?_CG == 10: goto "update"

?MarkerColor (_Mar + "_10") == "ColorBlack": goto "12"

?(alive (_g select 10)): goto "11e"


_Mar + "_10" setMarkerPos getPos (_g select 10)

?!(alive (_g select 10)): _Mar + "_10" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; player sideChat format ["%1 is dead",_g select 10]



?_CG == 11: goto "update"

?MarkerColor (_Mar + "_11") == "ColorBlack": goto "update"

?(alive (_g select 11)): goto "12e"


_Mar + "_11" setMarkerPos getPos (_g select 11)

?!(alive (_g select 11)): _Mar + "_11" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; player sideChat format ["%1 is dead",_g select 11]


goto "update"


player sideChat format ["All units in %1 group are dead... exiting script",_Gr]


?MarkerColor _Mar != "ColorBlack": _Mar setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

?MarkerColor (_Mar + "_1") != "ColorBlack": _Mar + "_1" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

?MarkerColor (_Mar + "_2") != "ColorBlack": _Mar + "_2" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

?MarkerColor (_Mar + "_3") != "ColorBlack": _Mar + "_3" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

?MarkerColor (_Mar + "_4") != "ColorBlack": _Mar + "_4" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

?MarkerColor (_Mar + "_5") != "ColorBlack": _Mar + "_5" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

?MarkerColor (_Mar + "_6") != "ColorBlack": _Mar + "_6" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

?MarkerColor (_Mar + "_7") != "ColorBlack": _Mar + "_7" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

?MarkerColor (_Mar + "_8") != "ColorBlack": _Mar + "_8" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

?MarkerColor (_Mar + "_9") != "ColorBlack": _Mar + "_9" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

?MarkerColor (_Mar + "_10") != "ColorBlack": _Mar + "_10" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

?MarkerColor (_Mar + "_11") != "ColorBlack": _Mar + "_11" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

?MarkerColor (_Mar + "_12") != "ColorBlack": _Mar + "_12" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"

player sideChat format ["Script has been turned off. %1 will no longer be controlled by GPS",_Gr]


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May be you should use

getPos vehicle (_g1 select #)

instead of

getPos (_g1 select #)

So you keep track of the units also when inside vehicles.

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It keeps tracking units when they are in vehicle so tracking just vehicle isn't needed.

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It keeps tracking units when they are in vehicle so tracking just vehicle isn't needed.

You are correct, as penitence I compressed the script a bit wink_o.gif

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_Gr = _this select 0

_Mar = _this select 1

_Ti = _this select 2


_g = units _Gr



_i = 1

"_c=""ColorGreen"";_m=format[""%1_%2"",_Mar,_i];if(damage _x > 0)then{_c=""ColorRed""};if(!alive _x)then{_c=""ColorBlue""};_m setMarkerColor _c;_m setMarkerPos getPos _x;_i=_i+1"forEach _g

?"alive _x" count _g==0:exit

goto "loop"

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Looking very nice biggrin_o.gif Thanks man I was working on something kind of _i + 1 smile_o.gif

It's good but first marker must be named mark_0 and _i = 0 instead of _i = 1 smile_o.gif

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Why? Just create first marker as name_1.

In any case, one point is pending to be solved there. Any group may change in members along a mission, for example, some reinforcements may join it.

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It can be

if(!alive _x)then{_m setMarkerColor};'

Because now it sets maker pos on dead unit. But anyway sometimes getting position of dead body is useful smile_o.gif

But you did it very nice and short. Thank you once again biggrin_o.gif

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