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Quick onmapsingleclick problem ECP 1.085

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Alright, onMapSingle Click works erratically with ecp 1.085.

It'll work between 1 and 10 times, then quit. I'm just posting this in the mission editing & scripting area to let anybody that makes missions designed for use with ecp know.

Sample mission below:

Everon mission.sqm

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">version=11;

class Mission



class Intel



class Groups



class Item0



class Vehicles



class Item0










init="onMapSingleClick {[_pos, _shift, _alt, ""MyTarget"", false, false]exec ""CSLMapClick.sqs""} ";





class Markers



class Item0












class Intro



class Intel




class OutroWin



class Intel




class OutroLoose



class Intel





<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_pos = _this select 0

_shift = _this select 1

_alt = _this select 2

_marker = _this select 3

_execOnShift = _this select 4

_execOnAlt = _this select 5

? _shift and !(_execOnShift) : exit

? !(_shift) and _execOnShift : exit

? _alt and !(_execOnAlt) : exit

? !(_alt) and _execOnAlt : exit

_marker setMarkerPos _pos


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My Zombie Outbreak Simulation is ECP compatible and uses onmapsingleclick. The command is used between 0 to 17 times and never failed.

<s>Main difference will be that I'm disabling the command after the map click input is recieved and reactivate it when needed.</s>

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No, not it at all.

Further testing indicates that onmapsingleclick breaks after about 10-15 seconds without ever using it.

I'd really appreciate it if someone ran this mission using ofpr 1.96 and ecp 1.085 to confirm that either this happens on their system, something's wrong with my script, or that I need to start troubleshooting my game as it may need a reinstall/addon cleanup...


Also, this still happens running ofp with no addons except ecp running at default settings.

Works fine without ecp running. The logical conclusion is that it is in fact ecp.

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Zayfod posted the following in the ECP release thread, related to the onMapSingleClick problem

Quote[/b] ]This is a onMapSingleClick issue, all addons that use this command have the same issue with 'onMapSingleClick' when used concurrently if they require different values at the same time.

Solution for now is to disable ECP AI release and ECP Helo coms in your ECP_settings.sqf. They both use OnMapSingleCLick.

ECP_AI_release_enable -> false (ECP_public set [36, false])

ECP_helo_coms_enable -> false (ECP_public set [50, false])

Alternatively, in a MP situation for the MAP you should de-pbo the map and in the init.sqs add this one-liner

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

?(format["%1",ECP_Path]!=format["%1",nil])&&(format["%1",count ECP_public]!="scalar"):{ECP_public set[_x,false]}forEach[36,50]

This way AI release and Helo commands will only be disabled for that particular map.

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I didn't know this before, but I can confirm it.

My mission doesn't include a helo so ECP_public 50 didn't kick in and ECP_public 36 was already disabled for other reasons.

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Thanks Sanctuary. That's helpfull.

Hopefully, this will bring the problem to a few people's attention so they don't make the same mistake.

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I've just stumbled upon this topic and that lead me to find the cause of the bug: AI Units Release. When that feature is initialised, it removes any code previously set by <span style='font-family:"Courier New"'>onMapSingleClick</span>. Yes, I know, that's very harsh... tounge2.gif

I, therefore, updated the ECP bug list.

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