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Can someone translate this interview?

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I dont understand the meaning of those `support missions`...

I just don`t want to have this <bonus goal thingy> in such game like: destroy AA possitions if you want to call for air support.

Sounds kinda arcadish to me...

If I know BIStudios (based on OpFlash), the "bonus goal thingy" won't be required to fulfill the mission; it will just make things easier. Taking your example, you could always call in air support without taking out the AA positions; however, that may mean that your air support gets shot down before they can do you any good (by taking out enemy tanks, for example), thereby making your mission more difficult in the long run.


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Remember the SCUD killing mission before the one with Guba, you could call in november without killing all the shilkas, etc. november simply got shot down. sad_o.gif

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