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[Request]Making Default Cursor to plain Dot.

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hey guys does anyone knows how to change stupid dafault cursor to Dot cursor?

tnx. banghead.gif

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post a screen about what you are talking about wink_o.gif

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yeah the Aiming cursor...like in the game when u try to shoot its like erm

_ _

l l <-------- default is like these :P

but i wanna dot:P tnx guys

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First you need a 100% transparent 64x64 .paa texture, name it "empty.paa" (if you can't make or acquire one, PM me I can send you one). Put it in a folder named "DotCursor" and download PBOMaker (look at www.ofp.info under utilities for it) and make a PBO out of that folder, and place it in your addons folder.

Then get BinView by CoC, open your config.bin (in the OFP/BIN directory), save it as a .cpp with BinView, open it in notepad, find "class CfgWeapons", everything under that should be indented, find the indented "class Rifle" some ways down. Under that should be an open bracket (a "{") and under that add the following:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> cursor = w_lock;

cursorAim ="\DotCursor\empty.paa";

Save it, download CPP2BIN at OFP.info and convert the edited config.cpp back to a .bin file and put override your existing config.bin in your BIN folder. Now you won't have any cursor (as in the one that moves according to where you're looking) but just a dot to aim with (trained on your line of fire).

MP compatability not guaranteed...

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not simple wink_o.gif

as there is cursor for rifles and the one for machineguns and vehicles - both consists of two elements whistle.gif

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not simple  wink_o.gif

as there is cursor for rifles and the one for machineguns and vehicles - both consists of two elements  whistle.gif

Machineguns already use a dot...

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tnx man i apriciate it i will try...working now have no time:*(

tnx again

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I have an idea, FFUR 06 has a small dot in its aiming cursor, you could use that if it wasnt too small

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damn kinda hard to make it.. :P

so much new stuff for me

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