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Can player respawn to their dead body?

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Hello everyone i got a problem that im stuck and dont know if it is possible or not but here it is......Thanks in advance like always.

OK say a player dies and his body is laying there.....and you use the setdammage to 0 on the body and it ressurrects the players dead body. Now is it possible for the player to play again as his not so dead body now?

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No but you can remove the dead body and place the respawned player in it's place. While he's supposed to be dead, but in fact alive as a new unit in some desolate place, you could put him into camera script and when he resurrects, do the switch and stop the camera.

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Assuming you're talking about single player, no. The game will still do the death animation thing.

Assuming Multiplayer, then, as Metal Heart says.

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But you can play single player missions in multiplayer mode so it doesn't matter if it's really a single player mission. There are some limitations of course, like you can't make it a part of 'campaign' and can't use setacctime command.

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