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Descrition EXT (weapons & Magazines class per side

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Is it possible to have a different weapons and Magazines loadout per side (MP session) , as listed in the weapons and magazines classes in the description.ext

I have never seen it done, but have been told by others that they have


Quote[/b] ]// FOR WEST

class Weapons


class M16


count = 1;



Quote[/b] ]// FOR EAST

class Weapons


class AK74


count = 1;



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I would try

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class West


class Weapons


class M16


count = 1;




class East


class Weapons


class AK74


count = 1;




or something along that lines. I highly doubt it though...

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i've already tried various variations on that

class weapons_west


class weapons


class west



class west


class weapons


none of them work

thx for the effort anyway, but still havn't found a solution

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well if you mean that for the mp mission, west gets a specific load out at start and east gets a different load out you can do this in the init.sqs

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

removeallweapons player

? (side player == WEST): player addweapon "binocular"; player addmagazine "M4"; player addmagazine "M4"; player addmagazine "M4"; player addmagazine "M4"; player addmagazine "M4"; player addmagazine "M4"; player addmagazine "M4"; player addmagazine "M4"; player addmagazine "Handgrenade"; player addmagazine "Handgrenade"; player addweapon "XMS"; player selectWeapon "XMS"

? (side player == EAST): player addweapon "binocular"; player addmagazine "Steyrmag"; player addmagazine "Steyrmag"; player addmagazine "Steyrmag"; player addmagazine "Steyrmag"; player addmagazine "Steyrmag"; player addmagazine "Steyrmag"; player addmagazine "Steyrmag"; player addmagazine "Steyrmag"; player addmagazine "Handgrenade"; player addmagazine "Handgrenade"; player addweapon "Steyr"; player selectWeapon "Steyr"

But if you mean that at in mission set up you have team options like:




then you can use something like this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">titleParam2 = "Weapons:";

valuesParam2[] = {0,1,2,3};

defValueParam2 = 0;

textsParam2[] = {" M16/AK74"," XMS/Steyr"," G36/G36"," Bizon/Bizon"};

with another script for the loadouts.  check out ctf hexenkessel v1.9 for an example.

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side specific weapon selection is not possible to my knowledge. I wanted to have it too back when I did some MP missions, but found it impossible then. OFPEC records had nothing on it either. sad_o.gif

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