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Dedicated Server - Trouble.

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I have tried and tried to get a dedicated server running, but I just can't....

I have unlocked every port on the avon lady's website that is needed to host a ofp server. I have put them into my windows firewall. And my game still could only be seen in 'LAN', not internet. And so I turned off my firewall, still nothing... I doubled checked all of my ports, and they were fine, still only the game shows up in 'LAN'... What have I forgotten? help.gif

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For the server to be seen in internet, it has to report its presence to gamespy.

Check your server.cfg for a line like this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">reportingIP="";

and disable it by changing it to

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">//reportingIP="";

by adding two slashes in front.

Or remove the entire line if you like.

If this helps not, ask someone over internet to try to see your server by ip number.

If he cant see you, there might be some networking/NAT related problem.

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Im also having trouble, but its not even getting that far.

I created a basic config file and im using the BAT file to run the server ( config file has been specified in the BAT file ).

It creates the server then on the little window I get the error :-

"Server Creation Faild:2302"

I take it thats the port number. The port is defenatley not closed on the firewall.

Any Clues ?

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Probably a syntax error in server.cfg simillar to the one in my previous post.

Double check all parts of the cfg file you have edited, search for missing or wrongly repeated commas, quotation marks and stuff like that.

Why dont you just quote here your server.cfg

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Ita only a basic config file.

Ive tried just running the sample.cfg file that comes with the dedicater server install, but get the same result.

what I have is a rented game server which weve had Flashpoint GOTY installed on to host for us. Im trying to get a passworded server for my team mates only to use which will list all maps in the game, not just a set map list.

passwordAdmin = "admin"; // Admin password

hostname = "16AAB"


voteMissionplayers= 1

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passwordAdmin = "admin"; // Admin password

hostname = "16AAB"


voteMissionplayers= 1

As Algrab stated it is a syntax issue...

You forgot to set the ";" at the end of each line except the fist which you propably copied.

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Forums search will give you this thread amongst others.

Most likely causes are:

1. Port already in use (netstat -an should reveal that)

2. DNS issue: Server name lookup or server IP address lookup fails

One of the possible causes of 2: Server name contains a space, underscore, other special character, or starts with a number

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Port not in use

Computer name is simply GAME

Ive tried different ports.

Im not the net of for the server and its run by a company so I cant go buggering around in its guts.

Wont run with the -dplay switch set at all.

copied and altered an example config and came up with this , but still wont work :-


hostname="Testing Server.";




"Bla bla - edit as u like it"














class Missions {


Is there no strait orward way of hosting this ? other games run fine on the server.

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Ok, as im getting nowhere fast, is there any doccumented guide to setting up a Flashpoint server anywhere on the net ??

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in a HitmanFF's link[/b] @ Sep. 08 2003,19:34 )]The testing server i set up yesterday did not start at first (2302 error) because the internal hostname did not match the external (what you get when asking dns servers about the ip of the external interface). When i changed it the server worked. Afaik the 2302 error is network related most of the times. Check for firewalls, correct routes, dns, hostnames...

Im not the net of for the server and its  run by a company so I cant go buggering around in its guts.

This seems to be your problem if you can't check everything to the bottom.

As for the guides best ones are around here imho.

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