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Kendo J

Marine Expeditionary force

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Kendo's USMCEF Beta v0.9 as of 10/04/06 12:00 GMT+1 British summer time

Addons needed are

OFPR v1.96

Marine Assault Pack


Editor update 102 (or newer)


snYpers support pack


CoC UA http://www.thechainofcommand.net/UA/CoC_Arty_100.zip

CoC Mines





This mission utilizes group link 2 script by toadlife and KeyCat. This script allows the enemy AI to call for support and react to your gunfire, remember suppressed rifles and pistols have lower detection ranges. GL2 can make the AI very tricky in this case the AI will only call support if your group rating is above the group spotting you.

TACT hit effects provided with E ans S Marines has been disabled because the author can't seem to add bandages to your weapons load out. Even though they are avaliable in crates.

General Barron has provided a nice little script that allows the AI to call CoC Unified artillery. CoC does not spawn shells but fires them realsiticly, the guns are on the otherside of the island so you may, hear the whistle of shells watch them hit before you hear the guns.

Apart from CoC UA, CoC have also provided mines, the only ones used in this mission are the Mon-200 Russian style claymore and the Standard NATO Claymore. These are used to protect bunkers and aproaches to strategic positions.

snYpir's support pack allows you to call for air support. Most affective is the airstrikes, you will need these to destroy your primary targets. Amoung other things you get Evac calls and resupply missions.

Your squad marker and the medic markers move on the map, their colour and number denote the unit(s) call sign. You are Foxtrot Blue the USMc recon OP is Hotel Blue, your company HQ is Hotel Green. The medics are also Green, ALPHA and BRAVO.

Quite a few updates have been added to this mission since editing began, most of all once each radio tower is destroyed the Platoon holding it will 'form up' and secure a perimeter around the enemy HQ. This makes the second OBJ more difficult the more towers you destroy.



CREDITS, Please all kneel and praise these Gurus of Operation Flashpoint!

The authors of CoC unified Artillery, and Mines are

dinger ([email protected]), jostapo ([email protected]), denoir ([email protected]), bn880

([email protected]), selectthis, gen. carnage , jonno, and Frandsen.

Infoshare, CoC AI artillery & editor update

By General Barron

[email protected]

toadlife and /KeyCat for Grouplink II

Marine Assault Pack v1.0

WEBSITE: http://www.digitalgrenade.com/boom.php?usmc

Small Arms -Earl ([email protected]) (http://www.baconbomb.com/modworks/)

Soldiers -Suchey ([email protected]) (http://www.digitalgrenade.com/)

Effects -Tactician ([email protected]) (http://www.virtual-wars.com/index.php)

Sounds -Jocko FLocko([email protected]) (http://www.rocksraiders.com/)

JAM Dudes:

Coding by Eviscerator and SelectThis

Scripts by Rom

Sounds by Katerina, Suchey, Flocko Jocko, RHS, Eviscerator, SelectThis,

Earl, Nagual, Vipersheart

Pictures by Suchey, Eviscerator, SelectThis

Beta Testing: BAS and Digital Grenade

Last but no least the awesome SnYpirs support pack

Also if you Have STT malden then thanks to selectthis

Here it is.....


here is a desert version using STT desert Malden

Sorry no link avaliable the only place i know of it is OFPEC

anyone can help provide one would be apreciated


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Nearly 100 views and no replies...well, I haven't finished yet but it looks nice so far.

Moved NW from the LUP and used the southern edge of the forest to close in on the westernmost objective, then slinking through it until we were at the NE edge in sight of the objective. Took stock of the defenses, patrols and the lay of the land and decided not to risk attacking it directly, so I called in a precision strike and watched with great satisfaction as the A-10 did his handiwork. Beat feet back through the forest quickly in case the guards went nuts and didn't encounter anybody.

I wanted to cross directly E to attack the easternmost objective but noticed that the position we just bombed had a good line of sight to the South...risked it as best I could by putting the men in a staggered column and crossing the open ground as best I could, making use of the slight waves in the terrain. I think they got a glimpse of us because a squad started running in our general direction in "combat" mode but we hauled ass and got to some concealment, and weren't pursued. Then it was down to the coastline and a quick jog around the little fishing village SE of Cancon, I believe. Noticed a squad running back towards the tower we'd just bombed, but they were a long way off and didn't notice us. Took a quick break in the weeds by the shore to check the map again and one of the guys spotted a Ural on the road headed our way. He stopped in the little village, then turned around and left as quickly as he'd come, without deploying any troops. Hmm.

Decided not to hang around any longer and headed NE towards the forest just S of the next objective...got into the forest and had a look around, noticing another squad heading towards OBJ1 at a decent speed. One other Russian squad in combat mode further E of the tower, but the guys garrisoning the tower itself were still "safe." With all the activity I decided to A-10 this tower as well, and it sounded like he got some vehicles although my LOS was obscured by trees. Moved towards the edge of that forest but didn't emerge for a few minutes as I waited to see what reaction this would draw. Another squad came into view and we moved SE out of the forest towards some healthy stands of trees, then swung NE up the coast towards the main East-West road. About halfway there we timed a break across open ground badly, attracting the attention of an infantry squad, but we made it to cover on higher ground before they reached the spot where we were when spotted. They didn't pursue, although we did watch for a few minutes more as another truck pulled up at that spot, waited a moment, then left again. Crossed the road going N and climbed hill 406, saved when we reached the top.

The rain and fog are now very bad so my next move is to try to assault the third tower via end-around, coming in from their NW. I haven't found the supply dump but obviously I haven't been looking for it yet.

No direct contact yet, which is a good thing and a bad thing...I know how nasty GL2 gets when you're on the wrong end of it.

Looks good so far, should be interesting to have all hell break loose when I finally make contact at the third tower.

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Hey looks like a good try for a mission, I looked but might not download only due to a 56k modem and depending on the size of the mission it might lag on my PC....We'll see maybe i might sometime.. smile_o.gif

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Hey looks like a good try for a mission, I looked but might not download only due to a 56k modem and depending on the size of the mission it might lag on my PC....We'll see maybe i might sometime.. smile_o.gif

Hey don't worry about lag... I made this on my 6 year old P3. it only lags a little if you are in combat and there is artillery comming in, However, not too much. But wait till after the weekend should have it updated and breifing improved.

Hey Seal84 your reply reminded me of something i should sort out. After the towers are destroyed the squads patrolling them stay in thier patrol pattern... Perhaps I should get them to abandon this position and do something else... not sure what yet? it would be overkill for them to just go and back up anouther tower. Maybe I should get them to patrol a larger area even have them 'form up' and move out as a whole in platoon formation?

Also just to let you know (seal84) the ammo dump is under a camo net in the Company HQ (the only camp with a BRDM parked up)... this is near the fuel station... At the moment it can't be bombed so I think I should remove this because attacking it directly is hard. Tell me what you think?


p.s. My favorite part of the whole thing is the medics they rope in it is cool as!

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VEEERY GOOD. I did not acomplish it yet, just played two times. But I know that I would like to port it to MP coop very much. I see you have used MP compatible scripts, so I hope it is possible.

I like it for its very realistic feel.

I do not like that objectives are all the time in he same place. If I port it to coop, I will randomize exact target locations.

Regards and thanks for great mission.

P.S. Of course I port it for personal use (mine and my group)

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Great mission maanged to play a bit last night.

All is great apart from theres no overview pic as you would know.

Soldiers waypoints could be much more random and it doesnt feel that you are behind enemy lines as your not travelling that far between each distance.

Also towns and small little ports/road side buildings arent ocupied whilst they should such as the little road joining with the buildings near hill 73 i think it is should have 2 or 3 soldiers there.

Cancon should have soldiers in it and so on little things like that make you feel much more behind enemy lines.

But very good work i love the Group link 2 script in it always getting flanked and killed from all different sides great work.

Off to play some more.

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Mission updated to beta version 0.9 10/4/06

It is much improved please all that downloaded it replace your original one in the single missions directory also new readme...

You must get rid of the old verson it sucks compared to this one!!!!!!!!!!!!

(hey Shinbusan, I am only a mediocre mission maker I can sometimes make good missions but i wouldn't have the faintest clue how to randomise the locations of the towers...

if you could show me that would be awesome... if you did this then the platoons gaurding the objectives would need to be moved to a decent place to patrol around...

This sort of thing would be perfect for my upcomming mission which will be over the area of the whole map. you will get a chopper to take you where ever you want as many times as you want!wink_o.gif

(Hey Imutep, please update the mission on your website as i don't want people playing the old version this one is Beta 0.9 and that one was B 0.1. Sorry to you German dudes at ofp.de but there are loads of sidechats in English, i am sure you will manage anyhow!.... I spent all weekend on this including all of saturday from breakfast to bed... I know i am sad it was a lovely day but my legs were in pain after laying floorboards all week the last thing i wanted to do was go outside, not that you guys care at all)

Kind Regards



Updates... you get an extraction team on call if you come under fire when you want to extract! two UH60's drop some marines and they kick ass for you!

Breifing is way better.

You can use the radio to savegame at anypoint

There is a small two man OP (observation post) north of your position (with an ammo can) The marines there report enemy patrols.

The garrisons on the Towers leave their psotion when the tower is destroyed! then they form up and secure a perimeter around the Company HQ!

All triggers, helo's and units are deleted when they are not needed to help with lag issues.

plus a few more cool things.... all that is needed is an intro and one of hose cool screenshots (thanks Imutep) to add to overview.

Not bad for a saturday worth of OFP... my chickadee wasn't too impressed so you better be!


BTW.... am working on a new mission It will be similar but wayyyyyy better as you can use a chopper to take you anywhere on an island you choose it will be a sort of specop almost dynamic mission... I say almost because the objectives will be the same everytime but you can do them in any order!

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