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WavtoLip in missions

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well i have put the files and speech files into the Sounds folder. I know for certian that all .ogg files are mono, 441 and 16bit. i think it might be a problem with the strigtable. do i need to add somthing to make it work with wavtolip?

class CfgSounds


// List of sounds (.ogg files without the .ogg extension)

sounds[] = {man2A, man2b, man2c, man2d, rangera};

// Class definition needed for each sound

class man2A


// Name to display in mission editor

name = "man2A";

// Sound path, volume, pitch

sound[] = {\sound\man2A.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};

// Sound title text (set to no text)

titles[] = {0, ""};


class man2b


// Name to display in mission editor

name = "man2b";

// Sound path, volume, pitch

sound[] = {\sound\man2b.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};

// Sound title text (set to no text)

titles[] = {0, ""};


class man2c


// Name to display in mission editor

name = "man2c";

// Sound path, volume, pitch

sound[] = {\sound\man2c.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};

// Sound title text (set to no text)

titles[] = {0, ""};


class man2d


// Name to display in mission editor

name = "man2d";

// Sound path, volume, pitch

sound[] = {\sound\man2d.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};

// Sound title text (set to no text)

titles[] = {0, ""};


class rangera


// Name to display in mission editor

name = "rangera";

// Sound path, volume, pitch

sound[] = {\sound\rangera.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};

// Sound title text (set to no text)

titles[] = {0, ""};



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class man2A


// Name to display in mission editor

name = "man2A";

// Sound path, volume, pitch

sound[] = {"man2A.ogg", db + 0, 1.0};

// Sound title text (set to no text)

titles[] = {};


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It is not clear what the problem is. What exactly are you doing and what is the result?

Judging from the title of the post it is about wav to lip. As the name implies you need to have the sound as a wav file, then you use wavtolip.exe to create a lip file. You also need to convert your sound to an ogg file. You then put both the ogg and lip files into the sound folder. You then need to define the sound in your description.ext and then when you do a

unitname say "soundname"

the lips of the unit will move

Note that in your description.ext you don't need to define the name as:

name = "man2A";

unless you want to be able to access the sound through the environmental effects of a trigger. Better is to use:

name = "";

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ive done everything, got the .ogg and .lip , the .ogg is all right, 16bit mono etc.. the problem im getting is that in the mission when i do unitname playsound "Man1A" nothing happens. i know the triggers working but no lip movment and no sound. the trigs definatly working because i make some writing come up at the bottom aswell just to make sure.

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could it be perhaps you use this:

Quote[/b] ]unitname playsound "Man1A"

instead of

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">unitname playsound "Man2A"

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Indeed is is say

Quote[/b] ]You then put both the ogg and lip files into the sound folder. You then need to define the sound in your description.ext and then when you do a

unitname say "soundname"

the lips of the unit will move

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