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Does Roger Wilco work with Operation Flashpoint?

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Yes, so does Team Sound. The group I play with have never got the ingame comms to work properly, so we've had plenty of experience with this smile.gif

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Thanks for the help - my friends and I have been using Roger Wilco with other games for a while now, and it's nice to know that I won't have to stop using it for Operation Flashpoint! smile.gif


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I've used Roger Wilco with OFP and other games and have found its performance to be subpar and its sound quality poor at best.  I recommend you try TEAMSOUND, I find it to be of excellent sound quality, more customizable, has more features, and best of all its free.  I can't speak too much to bandwidth issues...I'm on cable and have no degradation when talking and playing OFP at the same time.  I think users of RW should give it a try.....

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ Jan. 22 2002,18:09)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Why don't you use the in-game voice comm?<span id='postcolor'>

Because the people I play with and me have found that the internal voice chat does not work to a satisfactory level. It breaks up often and fidelity quality is very low. RW consumed less resources than other chat proggies and almost never breaks up (New GSA RW), and uses very little bandwidth.

Believe me, we would rather have ingame voice because of the ability to switch channels on the fly, but it just doesn't work on a usable level.

Although I bet on a LAN it would work superbly, of course OFP was going to be LAN only also.

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